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Title:Analiza geosonde za izkoriščanje geotermalne energije v stanovanjskem objektu
Authors:ID Bajt, Barbara (Author)
ID Šarler, Božidar (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: B92C1A55008F5082AD64CC5C6665F7D9
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Predstavili smo lastnosti in uporabo geotermalne energije ter vpliv izkoriščanja tega obnovljivega vira energije na okolje. Opredelili smo načine izkoriščanja geotermalne energije. Naredili smo pregled izkoriščanja geotermalne energije v svetu in Sloveniji ter analizirali geotermalno perspektivna območja v Sloveniji. Zanimalo nas je, na kakšne načine geotermalno energijo v Sloveniji že izkoriščajo. Osredotočili smo se na izkoriščanje geotermalne energije s sistemom geosonda za ogrevanje in hlajenje zgradb. Ta sistem deluje tako, da zemlji odvzemamo toploto s pomočjo toplotne črpalke in jo pripeljemo do ogrevalnega oziroma hladilnega sistema v objektu. Analizirali smo tehnološke značilnosti in praktične izvedbe takšnega sistema v stanovanjski hiši. Preučili smo ekonomičnost tega sistema ogrevanja in ga primerjali z drugimi sistemi ogrevanja (kurilno olje, zemeljski plin, utekočinjeni naftni plin - propan). Geotermalna energija je obnovljiv vir energije, zato je pomembno, da jo čim bolj izkoriščamo in s tem zmanjšamo emisije toplogrednih plinov v okolje.S pomočjo analiz smo ugotovili, da bi s tem sistemom ogrevanja močno pripomogli k zmanjšanju emisij, prihranili pa bi tudi zajetno vsoto denarja vprimerjavi z drugimi relativno dragimi fosilnimi gorivi. Ne smemo pa pozabiti na višje stroške investicije v ta sistem, kar je lahko tudi ovira, ko se odločamo za vgradnjo tovrstnega sistema.
Keywords:diplomske naloge, geosonda, geotermalna energija, obnovljivi viri energije, vrtina, toplotna črpalka
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Publisher:B. Bajt
Year of publishing:2006
Number of pages:IX, 53 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-133 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:497403 New window
Publication date in RUNG:15.10.2013
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Abstract:The properties and the use of geo-thermal energy as well as the impact the exploitation of this renewable energy source on the environment have been presented. The ways of the geo-thermal energy exploitation have been defined. The exploitation of geo-thermal energy in Slovenia and worldwide has been examined. Geo-thermally prospective regions of Slovenia and the ways geo-thermal energy is already exploited in Slovenia have been analysed. We have focused on the exploitation of geo-thermal energy by means of geo-probe system for the purpose of heating and cooling of buildings. This system functions in such a way that the heat is taken out of the ground by means of a heat pump and led to a heating or cooling system in a facility. Furthermore, the system's technological characteristics and how it is installed in practice in a residential facility have been analysed. This system of heating has also been examined from the economical point of view and compared to other heating systems (fuel oil, fuel gas, liquefied petroleum gas-propane). The geo- thermal energy represents a renewable energy source. Respectively, it is important to exploit it as much as possible thus reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases into the environment. Having applied relevant analyses, we have come to the conclusion that by using this heating system we could make a meaningful contribution to a reduction of emissions. Moreover, a substantial amount of money can be saved as compared with other, relatively more expensive fossil fuels. We have to take into account also higher investment costs related to this system which might discourage people from related investments.
