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Title:Novel applications of oxygenic photosynthetic organisms : dissertation
Authors:ID Stojković, Danijel (Author)
ID Valant, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Fabbretti, Elsa (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf Danijel_Stojkovic.pdf (23,38 MB)
MD5: D91813B7EAD4694BEB64B64AE6CF385C
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FPŠ - Graduate School
Abstract:Inspired by natural microorganisms that possess a rigid cell wall to protect them in harsh conditions, individual cells of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii were artificially encapsulated with different materials and hydrogen production was enhanced. The first attempt was to cover the cells with hydrated silicon dioxide, which is naturally formed by diatoms. The cells covered with silica were not able to produce hydrogen, but the improved TiO2-encapsualtion of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was found to positively affect their hydrogen production under sulfur-deprived conditions. It was shown that incubation of the cells in the dark before exposure to light was necessary in order to overcome the toxic effects of the (RKK)4D8 catalytic peptide that is essential for TiO2 formation. The TiO2-encapsulated cells were able to produce H2 with about double efficiency during 5-day period compared to non-encapsulated cells. The light-to-H2 conversion efficiency of TiO2-encapsulated Chlamydomonas reinhardtii system was estimated to be more than 4 % under optimized conditions. The encapsulation with platinum led us to discover the bioreductive properties of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Beside the homogeneous Pt reduction carried out by the algae, the most surprising discovery was the possibility to use algae culture for targeted heterogeneous nucleation. An important discovery was that is possible to control the nucleation mechanism and redirect predominantly homogeneous into fully heterogeneous nucleation.
Keywords:photosynthesis, H2 production, TiO2, encapsulation, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, platinum reduction
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:D. Stojković
Year of publishing:2015
Year of performance:2015
Number of pages:XVI, 105 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-1800 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3839739 New window
Publication date in RUNG:01.04.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Nove aplikacije oksigenih fotosinteznih organizmov
Abstract:Po navdihu mikroorganizmov iz narave, ki imajo trdno celično steno za zaščito pred neugodnimi zunanjimi dejavniki, sem celice alg Chlamydomonas reinhardtii obdal z različnimi materiali. Na ta način je bila izboljšana njihova proizvodnja vodika. Najprej sem celice prekril s hidriranim silicijevim dioksidom, iz katerega imajo svoje ogrodje diatomejske alge. Celice, ki so bile prekrite s silicijevim dioksidom, niso bile sposobne proizvajati vodika. Po drugi strani pa je enkapsulacija Chlamydomonas reinhardtii s TiO2 pozitivno vplivala na njihove sposobnosti proizvodnje vodika v pogojih brez žvepla. Pri tem sem ugotovil, da je inkubacija celic v temi, preden jih izpostavimo svetlobi, potreben pogoj, da se izognemo toksičnim učinkom (RKK)4D8 katalitičnega peptida, ki je potreben za tvorbo TiO2. S TiO2 modificirane celice so bile v petih dneh, v primerjavi z nemodificiranimi celicami, sposobne proizvajati H2 s približno dvakratno učinkovitostjo. Ocena potencialne učinkovitosti za pretvorbo svetlobe v H2 je pokazala, da bi bile v optimalnih pogojih, s TiO2 oblečene celice Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, sposobne preseči vrednost 4 %. Enkapsulacija s platino je vodila do odkritja bioredukcijskega potenciala, ki ga imajo alge Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Poleg homogene redukcije Pt, ki je bila dosežena, je bilo najbolj presenetljivo odkritje zmožnosti alg za usmerjeno heterogeno nukleacijo. Odkrili smo, da je možno kontrolirati nukleacijski mehanizem in preusmeriti pretežno homogeno v heterogeno nukleacijo.
Keywords:fotosinteza, proizvodnja H2, TiO2, enkapsulacija, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, disertacije
