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Authors:ID Faganel, Armand (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Skrt, Kristina (Author)
Files:.pdf Kristina_Skrt.pdf (812,22 KB)
MD5: 4BC08B5A11C57F38C9BD8B2EDC4EDD76
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Opravljanje praktičnega usposabljanja je bila motivacija za poglobitev v turistični potencial Goriških Brd, še posebej projekta Vila Vipolže, ki v letu 2015 še poteka in je projekt, ki bo prinesel velike novosti v regijo. Namen diplomskega dela je podati predloge izboljšav pri organizaciji storitev v multikulturnem središču, da bi bili njegovi učinki čim ugodnejši. Za doseganje ciljev diplomskega dela smo uporabili metode analize, sinteze in kompilacije dostopne strokovne literature na področju projekta Vila Vipolže, metoda nestrukturiranega intervjuvanja udeležencev v projektu Vila Vipolže ter metoda anketiranja prebivalcev Goriških Brd. Z raziskavami smo ugotovili, da bo multikulturni center z delovanjem imel pozitivne vplive na Občino Brda, na razne turistične ponudnike kot tudi na prebivalstvo Brd na splošno. Ugotovili smo, da veliko anketirancev ne pozna celotnega namena multikulturnega centra, kaže pa se veliko zanimanje za izobraževanje na različnih področjih, za prireditve, tako kulturne kot tudi malo bolj sproščene narave in da gledajo na projekt kot na priložnost za zabavo, druženja, srečanja, izobraževanje in zaposlitev. Seveda prepoznavajo tudi priložnost za razvoj celoletnega turizma. Menimo, da je z diplomskim delom celovito predstavljen vpliv umestitve in delovanja Vile Vipolže na celotno občino Brda.
Keywords:projekt Vila Vipolže, multikulturno središče, prebivalci občine Brda
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-1836 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3960059 New window
Publication date in RUNG:08.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of establishing a multicultural centre in Goriška Brda
Abstract:Practical placement performed in the region was a motivation for addressing the issue of strengthening the tourism potential of the region, especially the Villa Vipolže project, i.e. project that is still ongoing in 2015 and will facilitate innovations in the region. The thesis focuses on improvements in this respect, namely by providing a range of services in a multicultural centre with view to intensify its effects. To achieve the objectives of the thesis, we used the following methods: analysis, synthesis and compilation of available academic literature on the Villa Vipolže project, unstructured interviewing of participants involved in the Vila Vipolže project and a survey conducted among citizens of Goriška Brda. By means of research, it was established that a multicultural centre would have positive impacts on the municipality of Brda, namely for various tourist providers as well as Brda population in general. It was found that many survey respondents were not acquainted with the whole purpose of the multicultural centre. Despite the latter, it was noted that they had a great interest in education in various fields, for both cultural events as well as entertainment events, and that they considered the project as an opportunity for entertainment, socialising, meeting, education and employment opportunities. In fact, they recognised it as an opportunity of year-round tourism development. To sum up, the thesis includes a comprehensive impact of establishment and operation of the Vila Vipolže project on the entire municipality of Brda.
Keywords:Vila Vipolže project, multicultural centre, the residents of the municipality Brda
