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Authors:ID Kocijan, Juš (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Ristić, Milena (Author)
Files:.pdf Milena_Ristic.pdf (1,92 MB)
MD5: DEA19BF15105D865264A9A60403D9D7E
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:V diplomskem delu smo prikazali, kako lahko s frekvenčno vodeno črpalko na demonstracijskem hidravličnem sistemu s spremembo moči delovanja motorja privarčujemo električno energijo in pri tem prečrpamo določeno količino vode do uporabnika, v našem primeru radiatorja. Del diplomske naloge je posvečen vrednotenju hidravličnega sistema v podjetju Kolektor Sisteh d.o.o. Vrednotenje hidravličnega sistema primerja izračune na podlagi podatkov proizvajalca črpalke, ki smo jo uporabili v našem modelu hidravličnega sistema in meritve na demonstracijskem hidravličnem sistemu pri frekvencah vrtenja črpalke 40 Hz, 45 Hz in 50 Hz, in pri 25 %, 50 %, 75 % in 100 % največjega pretoka skozi ventil. Dobljene rezultate smo prikazali v različnih tabelah in grafih, s katerimi smo kasneje določili delovne točke črpalke v demonstracijskem hidravličnem sistemu. Po dobljenih meritvah smo lahko primerjali učinkovitosti črpalke, in sicer najprej energetsko, potem pa tudi njeno ekonomsko učinkovitost. Ugotovili smo, da je delovanje črpalke pri frekvenci 40 Hz, v primerjavi s frekvencama 45 Hz in 50 Hz, energetsko in ekonomsko bolj učinkovito.
Keywords:demonstracijski hidravlični sistem, modeliranje, centrifugalna črpalka, delovna točka, energetska učinkovitost črpalke, ekonomska učinkovitost
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-1848 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3960315 New window
Publication date in RUNG:08.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Energy and economic efficiency of the demonstration hydraulic system with frequency-compensated pump
Abstract:In the thesis it was shown how electric power can be saved by using the frequency-controled pump on the hydraulic test bed with a heater as load by changing the electrical motor frequency. The thesis deals first with the hydraulic system evaluation in Kolektor Sisteh company. The evaluation of the model of hydraulic system is done with comparison of calculated parametrs and measurements on the demonstration hydraulic system at the frequencies 40 Hz, 45 Hz and 50 Hz and 25 %, 50 %, 75 % and 100 % of maximum flow through the valve. The results were presented in several tables and graphs and this allowed us to set the operating points of the pump in the demonstration hydraulic system. After the operating points were set, compared the efficiency of the pump was investigated, at first the energy, then the economic efficiency. It was concluded that the pump operation at the frequency 40 Hz, in comparison with the operation at the frequencies of 45 Hz and 50 Hz, is energy and economically more efficiently.
Keywords:demonstration hydraulic system, simulation, modelling, operating point, the power efficiency of the pump, the economic efficiency of the pump
