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Title:Inventarizacija vodne favne v izbranih jamah na Kočevskem
Authors:ID Pipan, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Korte, Dorota (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Pečnik, Mateja (Author)
Files:.pdf Mateja_Pecnik.pdf (2,23 MB)
MD5: FB3D8B00F5EF9E8F4CD701F528B632A5
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZO - Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Abstract:V diplomski nalogi smo pripravili seznam taksonov in prikazali razlike v sestavi favne petih izbranih jam na Kočevskem v sklopu projekta »LIFE KOČEVSKO: LIFE13 NAT/SI/000314: HT 8310 - Jame, ki niso odprte za javnost in Človeška ribica (Proteus anguinus)«. Izbrali smo tako onesnažene kot neonesnažene jame, da bi lahko primerjali razliko v najdenih vodnih taksonih proučevanih jam. Ugotavljali smo število stigobiontov v primerjavi s številom nestigobiontskih organizmov. Zanimala nas je tudi zastopanost jamske vodne favne po posameznih jamah, ujemanje različnih kemijskih parametrov s številom taksonov, število taksonov glede na medsebojno oddaljenost jam in kdo so potencialni onesnaževalci jamskih vod na proučevanem območju. Analize so pokazale, da je sestava taksonov v posameznih jamah odvisna predvsem od stopnje onesnaženosti vodnega telesa in mikrohabitata vzorčenja vsake jame posebej. Ugotovili smo, da so si v splošnem vse proučevane jame favnistično podobne, hkrati pa imajo določene posebnosti v sestavi organizmov. Jame se razlikujejo po številu taksonov, kot tudi v pestrosti. Rezultate smo primerjali s podatki v starejših zapisih Katastra jam IZRK ZRC SAZU in Jamarske zveze Slovenije. Kljub razlikam v metodologiji zbiranja podatkov lahko sklepamo, da so naši izsledki in zaključki raziskav podobni zapisanim v literaturi. Na koncu smo s predlogi želeli spodbuditi dobro prakso skrbi za jame, jamske vode in ohranjanje habitatov na proučevanem območju.
Keywords:inventarizacija podzemeljskih organizmov, Kočevsko, jame, kras, onesnaženost, kraške vode.
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-1996 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4045819 New window
Publication date in RUNG:30.09.2015
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Secondary language

Abstract:In our research we have prepared a list of taxa and defined differences in the composition of subterranean fauna in five caves in Kočevje region in the frame work of the project »LIFE KOČEVSKO: LIFE13 NAT/SI/000314: HT 8310 - Jame, ki niso odprte za javnost in Človeška ribica (Proteus anguinus)«. We selected some polluted and some unpolluted caves. They are compared in aquatic taxa. We studied number of stygobionts related to number of nonstygobionts. In our study we did analyses of presentation of aquatic fauna in the individual caves, correlation of chemical parameters with number of taxa, number of taxa in relation to the distance among caves and which are potential contaminants of the underground waters in the studied area. Analyses have shown that the composition of taxa in individual cave mainly depends on the level of pollution of the water body and microhabitat of each cave where sampling was performed. Faunal communities of caves are similar but some caves are very unique in terms of taxa. Caves differ in the number of taxa and diversity. Results were compared with the data from older records in the Cave cadastre of IZRK ZRC SAZU and Slovenian cave association and despite some differences in methodology of data collection we can conclude that our findings and conclusions of research are similar to those in literature. Finally we wanted to encourage protection and conservation of caves, cave waters and habitats in the studied area.
Keywords:inventory of subterranean organisms, Kočevje region, caves, karst, pollution, karst waters.
