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Title:Vpliv dielektrika na delovanje organskega tankoplastnega tranzistorja: organski in anorganski dielektriki
Authors:ID Pavlica, Egon (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Peternel, Anže (Author)
Files:.pdf Anze_Peternel.pdf (10,50 MB)
MD5: 12E32F4A6B5E061D09C08C81EBD4BD5A
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FAN - Faculty of Applied Sciences
Abstract:Organski tankoplastni tranzistorji (OTFT) so polprevodniški elementi, ki opravljajo funkcijo stikal v elektronskih napravah. Med njihovo najpomembnejšo lastnost štejemo hitrost preklapljanja električnega toka. Hitrost preklapljanja je odvisna od mobilnosti nosilcev naboja, ta pa je odvisna predvsem od stične površine med plastjo dielektrika in polprevodnika. Preučili smo vpliv dielektrika na mobilnost vrzeli v OTFT-jih s polprevodnim polimerom poli(3-heksiltiofen) (P3HT). Primerjali smo dielektrike parilen C, termični oksid (SiO2) in oktadekiltriklorosilan (OTS). Ugotovili smo, da na mobilnost vrzeli močno vplivata hrapavost in polarnost dielektrika. Za najboljši dielektrik se je izkazal OTS, saj je bila mobilnost vrzeli najvišja glede na ostale preučene OTFT-je. Najvišja izmerjena mobilnost vrzeli je znašala 0.03 cm^2 V^−1 s^−1 . Pri OTFT-jih z dielektrikom OTS smo izmerili upor stika med elektrodama in plastjo polprevodnika. Upor je znašal 1 MΩ in predstavlja veliko oviro za tok, ki teče skozi OTFT. Iz pridobljenih rezultatov sklepamo, da so OTFT-ji z organskimi dielektriki boljši kot OTFT-ji z dielektrikom SiO2, če je njihova površina ravna in hidrofobna. Sklepamo da z optimizacijo upora stika med elektrodo in plastjo polprevodnika lahko pripravimo OTFT-je, ki so primerni za izdelavo fleksibilne organske elektronike.
Keywords:konjugirani polimeri, P3HT, termični oksid SiO2, parilen C, OTS, tokovno-napetostna karakteristika, mobilnost nosilcev naboja, pragovna napetost, upor stika kovina – polprevodnik
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-1999 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4040699 New window
Publication date in RUNG:28.09.2015
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Secondary language

Title:The influence of the dielectric on the performance of the organic thin-film transistor: organic and inorganic dielectrics
Abstract:Organic thin-film transistors (OTFT) are organic semiconducting elements that are used as switches in electronic devices. The most important property is their switching speed of the electric current. The switching speed depends on charge carrier mobility, which in turn depends on the interface between the dielectric and a semiconductor. We have examined the effect of the dielectric on the mobility of holes in OTFTs with semiconducting polymer poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT). We compared dielectric materials parylene C, thermal oxide (SiO2) and octadecyltrichlorosilane (OTS). We have found that the mobility of holes highly depends on the roughness and the polarity of the surface. The best dielectric material proved itself to be OTS, since the mobility of holes was the highest compared to other OTFTs. The highest measured mobility of holes was 0.03 cm^2 V^−1 s^−1. In OTFTs with dielectric OTS, we have measured a contact resistance that occurs at the interface between electrodes and semiconductor. We have found that the contact resistance was equal to 1 MΩ, which represents relatively high obstacle for the current that flows through the OTFT. Our results support the conclusion that OTFTs with organic dielectric perform better than OTFTs with dielectric SiO 2 , if their surface is smooth and hydropho- bic. We believe that by optimising the contact resistance, OTFTs can be used in flexible organic electronics.
Keywords:conjugated polymers, P3HT, dielectrics, thermal oxide SiO2, parylene C, OTS, current-voltage characteristics, charge carrier mobility, threshold voltage, contact resistance, dielectric breakdown
