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Title:Water pollution in the impact areas of the two abandoned metal ore mines in Slovenia and Portugal
Authors:ID Melo da Costa, Maria do Rosario (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Petrič, Metka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Gošar, Doroteja (Author)
Files:.pdf Doroteja_Gosar.pdf (4,82 MB)
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MD5: 41DD1332CDE91064D759FF4F9427485A
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZO - Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Abstract:Mining in both Mežica zinc and lead mine and in Freixeda gold mine caused negative environmental impacts. The main objective of the thesis was to study negative impacts on water quality through time. During the process various literature sources were studied, field work and chemical analyses were performed and interpretation of results with different statistical methods was done. In Mežica mine the quality of surface water has improved through time and nowadays the Meža River is of good quality. The biggest change was shown in the case of Helena rivulet, where Pb, Zn and Cd concentration between 2002 and 2015 lowered below limit values. Preventive measures and treatment of waste deposits had positive impact on water quality and based on standards for drinking water, groundwater from mine could be a source of drinking water. In Freixeda stream concentration of heavy metals lowered through time and in 2015 values of Zn, Pb, Cd and Cu in Freixeda stream before confluence with the Tua River were below the limit value. An exception is the increased value of As, which was caused by acid mine drainage (AMD) inflow from the mine, but also by the discharge from confined aquifer to Freixeda stream. Treatment of AMD was efficient for a while but due to lack of maintenance it is no longer effective.
Keywords:Abandoned mines, heavy metals, pollution, Mežica mine, Freixeda mine
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2005 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4048379 New window
Publication date in RUNG:05.10.2015
GOŠAR, Doroteja, 2015, Water pollution in the impact areas of the two abandoned metal ore mines in Slovenia and Portugal [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Nova Gorica. [Accessed 23 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Kvaliteta voda na območju dveh opuščenih kovinskih rudnikov v Sloveniji in na Portugalskem
Abstract:Rudarjenje na območju Rudnika svinca in cinka Mežica in Rudnika zlata Freixeda je potekalo mnoga leta in pustilo negativne posledica na okolju. Glavni cilj diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti negativne vplive rudarjenja na kakovost vode skozi čas. Pri tem je bila uporabljena številna literatura prejšnjih raziskav, opravljeno terensko delo z analizo vzorcev vode in interpretacija rezultatov z različnimi statističnimi metodami. Na območju mežiškega rudnika se je kakovost vode skozi čas izboljšala in danes reka Meža dosega dobro stanje. Najbolj opazno je izboljšanje vode Helenskega pritoka, v katerem so se vrednosti Pb, Zn in Cd med letoma 2002 in 2015 znižale pod mejne vrednosti. Preventivni ukrepi in zaščita odpadnih rudnih materialov so pozitivno vplivali na kakovost voda in glede na mejne vrednosti podzemna voda iz rudnika zadostuje pogojem za pitno vodo. Koncentracije težkih kovin v potoku Freixeda so se skozi čas znižale in v letu 2015 so bile vrednosti Zn, Pb, Cd in Cu pred izlivom v reko Tua pod mejnimi vrednostmi. Izjema je As, pri katerem so povišane vrednosti rezultat vpliva kislih izcednih vod iz rudnika in iztekanja iz zaprtega vodonosnika v strugo potoka Freixeda. Proces čiščenja kislih izcednih voda je bil učinkovit le kratek čas po vzpostavitvi, ker pa ni bil ustrezno vzdrževan, danes ne deluje več.
Keywords:opuščeni rudniki, težke kovine, onesnaženje, rudnik Mežica, rudnik Freixeda
