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Title:V očeh razpadajočega imperija: Podoba Slovenije v Sovjetski zvezi in Rusiji v času slovenskega osamosvajanja (1990 – 1992)
Authors:ID Luthar, Oto (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Stopar, Andrej (Author)
Files:.pdf Andrej_Stopar.pdf (2,02 MB)
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FPŠ - Graduate School
Abstract:Za mlado državo je priznanje mednarodne skupnosti ključnega pomena. Tudi za Republiko Slovenijo je bilo. Sovjetska zveza je odločno podpirala enotnost in ozemeljsko celovitost SFR Jugoslavije, katere razpad je obravnavala v kontekstu lastne dezintegracije. Disertacija V očeh razpadajočega imperija: Podoba Slovenije v Sovjetski zvezi in Rusiji v času slovenskega osamosvajanja (1990 – 1992) tematizira sovjetske in ruske poglede na razpad SFR Jugoslavije in jugoslovanskega sistema ter na slovenska prizadevanja za rusko priznanje neodvisnosti in suverenosti republike. Pri tem se opira na gradivo najpomembnejših sovjetskih in ruskih tiskanih medijev v obdobju 1990 – 1992, na sovjetske in ruske diplomatske vire, uradne izjave, komentarje akademskih krogov ter spominske in dnevniške zapise. Disertacija skuša pokazati, da je bila odločitev Moskve posledica kratkotrajnega sovpadanja določenih mednarodnopolitičnih razmer, takrat nove ruske zunanjepolitične strategije, ki se je hitro spremenila in je kot takšna pomenila izjemo v ruski tradiciji zunanjepolitičnih konceptov, ter predvsem notranjepolitičnih napetosti v Ruski federaciji po razpadu Sovjetske zveze.
Keywords:Sovjetska zveza, Rusija, Jugoslavija, Slovenija, diplomatski odnosi, mediji, razpad socialističnih federacij
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2037 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4120315 New window
Publication date in RUNG:22.01.2016
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Secondary language

Title:In the Eyes of a Decaying Empire: The Image of Slovenia in the Soviet Union and Russia at the Time of Slovenian Independence Process (1990 – 1992)
Abstract:It is of crucial importance for every newly established state to receive international recognition. So it was for the Republic of Slovenia. The Soviet Union strongly supported the unity and territorial integrity of the SFR Yugoslavia and considered its break-up within the context of its own disintegration. The thesis entitled In the Eyes of a Decaying Empire: The Image of Slovenia in the Soviet Union and Russia at the Time of Slovenian Independence Process (1990 - 1992) presents Soviet and Russian views of the decay of the SFR Yugoslavia and its system, as well as Slovenian efforts to gain Russian recognition of its independence and sovereignty as described in the main Soviet and Russian printed media in the period of 1990 – 1992, in the Soviet and Russian diplomatic sources, official statements, comments from academic circles, memoirs and diaries. It aims to demonstrate Moscow’s decision as the result of a momentary overlap of certain international developments, of the, at the time, new Russian foreign policy strategy, which quickly changed and was as such an exception to the Russian foreign policy tradition, and especially of internal political tensions in the Russian Federation after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Keywords:Soviet Union, Russia, Yugoslavia, Slovenia, diplomatic relations, media, collapse of socialist federations
