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Title:Vpliv hidroloških razmer na kakovost kraških vodnih virov - primer izvira Rižane
Authors:ID Petrič, Metka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Vodir, Lucija (Author)
Files:.pdf Lucija_Vodir.pdf (3,60 MB)
MD5: F859FAB54B6F8E5BFE6BA0533A00391B
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZO - Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Abstract:Brez vode na Zemlji ne bi bilo življenja. Pomembni viri pitne vode so kraški vodonosniki, ki so zelo dovzetni za onesnaževanje, predvsem zaradi njihove velike prepustnosti in s tem hitre infiltracije vode v podzemlje. Tudi reka Rižana se napaja iz kraškega vodonosnika v zaledju in je glavni vir pitne vode za prebivalce Slovenskega primorja. Predstavljene meritve in vzorčenja so potekala v okviru projekta »ŽIVO! Življenje – voda« v sklopu čezmejnega programa Slovenija – Hrvaška 2007–2013. Za oceno stanja vodotoka Rižane sem pridobljene podatke s terena primerjala z meritvami, ki jih opravlja Agencija RS za okolje na izviru Zvorček in na merilnem mestu Rižana – Dekani za obdobje 2007–2013. Poleg tega sem za obdobje 2010–2013 dodala še podatke Nacionalnega laboratorija za zdravje, okolje in hrano, ki so bili pridobljeni na izviru Zvorček. Pri vseh merjenih parametrih se je pokazalo, da se ob spremembi hidroloških razmer, torej ob padavinskih dogodkih, vsebnost parametrov poveča, saj voda, ki se infiltrira v tla, s seboj prinese tudi onesnaženje. Najhujši onesnaževalci so kmetijstvo, industrija, odlagališča odpadkov in promet. Kljub temu pa mejne vrednosti niso bile presežene, razen v primeru mikrobioloških parametrov. Primerjava z obdobjem 2007–2013 je pokazala podobne rezultate. Prenos onesnaženja je torej vezan na padavinske dogodke in to odvisnost kakovosti vode od hidroloških razmer je treba upoštevati pri načrtovanju monitoringa kakovosti kraških vodnih virov.
Keywords:kras, voda, Rižana, hidrološke razmere, kakovost vode
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2062 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4115707 New window
Publication date in RUNG:20.01.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Impact of hydrological conditions on the karst water resources quality – a case study of the Rižana spring
Abstract:Without water, life on Earth would not exist. Important sources of drinking water are karst aquifers, which are highly vulnerable to pollution, especially due to their high permeability and thus the rapid infiltration of water into the underground. River Rižana, is also supplied from karst aquifer in the surroundings and is the main source of drinking water for the inhabitants of the coast region. Presented measurements and sampling were carried out in the frame of the project "ŽIVO! Life - water "in the context of cross-border program Slovenia – Croatia 2007–2013. To assess the state of the Rižana River, obtained field data were compared with measurements carried out by the Slovenian Environmental Agency at the spring Zvorček and on the measuring site Rižana – Dekani in the 2007–2013 period. Furthermore, data for 2010–2013 period obtained by National Laboratory for Health, Environment and Food at the spring Zvorček were added. All measured parameters showed that the change in hydrological conditions, i.e. in case of rain, the value of parameters increased, because water that infiltrates into the soil brings the contamination. The main pollutants are agriculture, industry, waste dumps and transport. However, the limit values were not exceeded, except in the case of microbiological parameters. The comparison with the 2007–2013 period showed similar results. Transfer of contamination is therefore bound to precipitation events and this dependence on the quality of water from the hydrological conditions must be taken into account in planning the monitoring of the quality of karst water resources.
Keywords:karst, water, Rižana, hydrological conditions, quality of water
