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Title:Model prehoda v trajnostno krožno ekonomijo v občini Kočevje
Authors:ID Božič, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Gjerkeš, Henrik (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Pisk, Valter (Author)
Files:.pdf Valter_Pisk.pdf (3,52 MB)
MD5: 08C5F1DB25E665D4A2C49F382136F88B
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:V magistrskem delu je predstavljen model prehoda v trajnostno krožno ekonomijo v občini Kočevje kot podlaga za izboljšanje gospodarskih in socialnih razmer v občini. Koncept krožnega gospodarstva temelji na načelu identifikacije in čim večjega izkoriščanja lokalnih potencialov ter dviga dodane vrednosti v lokalnem okolju z vsemi multiplikativnimi učinki, ki pri tem nastanejo. Največji razvojni potencial občine Kočevje predstavlja gozd, ki še ni izkoriščen v zadostni meri. Koncept temelji na izhodišču, da z območja občine ne odide noben hlod neobdelan in da se lesna biomasa izkoristi v največji možni meri. To vključuje celovito, trajnostno gospodarjenje z gozdom, sečnjo in spravilo hlodov ter pripravo lesa za proizvode z višjo dodano vrednostjo ob istočasni izrabi manjvrednega lesa in ostankov za proizvodnjo električne in toplotne energije. Celovitost trajnostne verige lesa zahteva vključitev socialnega podjetništva, izobraževanje kadrov, dodatno usposabljanje zaposlenih in ohranjanje obstoječih oziroma ustvarjanje novih zelenih delovnih mest. Osrednji del modela predstavlja postavitev centra predelave lesa za celovito ravnanje z lesno biomaso. Krožni proizvodni proces, začet z zbiranjem lesne biomase z vsemi elementi, se nadaljuje z žagalno linijo za proizvodnjo žaganega lesa in se sklene s sušilnicami, ki deskam povišajo dodano vrednost, ter kogeneracijskim sistemom s procesom uplinjanja lesne biomase za proizvodnjo električne in toplotne energije kot sekundarnih produktov. Učinki modela so prikazani v kontekstu ekonomskega, socialnega in okoljskega vidika. Nedvomne okoljske učinke predlaganega modela dopolnjujeta oceni o več kot 4 milijonih EUR dobička in 45 novih zelenih delovnih mestih v prvih 15 letih obratovanja. Predlagani koncept je primer racionalne implementacije dolgoročne razvojne strategije Slovenije in ponuja priložnost za razvoj lokalnih skupnosti, oživitev lesnopredelovalne industrije in dvig konkurenčnosti gospodarstva v Sloveniji.
Keywords:energija, kogeneracija, krožna ekonomija, lesna biomasa, lokalna skupnost, potencial, trajnost
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2225 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4317435 New window
Publication date in RUNG:12.05.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Model of transition into sustainable circular economy in Kočevje municipality
Abstract:In the master thesis, the model of transition into sustainable circular economy in Kočevje municipality is presented as a basis for economic and social conditions improvement in the municipality. The concept of circular economy is based on the principle of identification and as much as possible exploitation of local potentials as well as raise of the added value in the local environment with all its accompanying multiplier effects. Forest is the biggest, yet not enough exploited potential in Kočevje municipality. The concept is based on the strategy that no log leaves the municipality as a raw material and that the wood biomass is exploited as much as possible. This includes comprehensive, sustainable forest management, logging, wood hauling and wood processing for products with higher added value, whereby inferior wood and rests are used for electrical power and thermal energy production. Holistic approach of the sustainable wood chain includes the social entrepreneurship, education of staff, additional training of employees and preservation of the existing and creation of the new green jobs. The key part of the model represents the placement of a wood processing centre for comprehensive wood biomass treatment. The circular production process, which starts with collecting wood biomass with all its elements, is continued by a saw line for the production of sawn timber and finished with drying chambers, which increase the added value of the boards, and a cogeneration system with gasification of wood biomass for production of electrical power and thermal energy as secondary products. The effects of the model are presented in the context of financial, social and environmental point of view. The indubitable environmental effects of the suggested model are complemented by estimations on more than 4 million euros of profit and on 45 new green jobs in the first 15 years of operation. The suggested concept is an example of a rational implementation of a long-term development strategy of Slovenia and provides an opportunity for the development of local communities, the revival of wood processing industry and raise of competitiveness of the economy in Slovenia.
Keywords:circular economy, cogeneration, energy, local community, potential, sustainability, wood biomass
