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Title:Pregled stanja in predlog sprememb ravnanja z odpadno embalažo v RS
Authors:ID Kržan, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Peternelj, Polona (Author)
Files:.pdf RAZ_Peternelj_Polona_i2016.pdf (1,38 MB)
MD5: 23C385902F915ADD10AAEE08663290AF
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZO - Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Abstract:Področje embalaže predstavlja zelo pomembno gospodarsko panogo z dolgo tradicijo. Pojavila se je z razmahom blagovne menjave, danes pa si življenje brez embalaže težko predstavljamo, saj nam omogoča zaščito, varnost, informiranost o izdelkih in lažjo dostopnost do življenjskih dobrin. Močno zmanjšuje poškodbe in posledično izgube izdelkov ter tako prispeva k učinkovitosti izrabe virov. Zelo pomemben vidik embalaže pa je vprašanje odpadne embalaže oz. varstva okolja. Evropska in slovenska zakonodaja sta intenzivno posegli na to področje in se ves čas dopolnjujeta, da bi čim bolj zmanjšali vpliv embalaže na okolje. Osnovno načelo je, da morajo podjetja, ki embalažo dajejo na trg, poskrbeti zanjo tudi, ko postane odpadek. Ta pristop imenujemo podaljšana odgovornost proizvajalca. V Sloveniji zakon vsem zavezancem, ki dajejo na trg več kot 15 ton embalaže na leto, predpisuje, da samostojno poskrbijo za odpadno embalažo ali se vključijo v eno od družb za ravnanje z odpadno embalažo. Zavezanci družbi plačujejo embalažnino, družba pa poskrbi za odpadno embalažo, ko ta postane odpadek. V diplomski nalogi sem s pomočjo poročil družb za ravnanje z odpadno embalažo, neposredno pridobljenih informacij ter objav v medijih pripravila pregled stanja na področju ravnanja z odpadno embalažo v Sloveniji ter poskušala ugotoviti, zakaj sistem ne deluje učinkovito. Na osnovi opravljenega pregleda sem predlagala spremembe, s katerimi bi sistem postal bolj učinkovit ter okoljsko in finančno vzdržen.
Keywords:embalaža, odpadna embalaža, podaljšana odgovornost proizvajalca
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2254 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4330747 New window
Publication date in RUNG:19.05.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of the situation and the proposal for changes of the packaging waste management system in RS
Abstract:Packaging field is a very important economic sector with a long tradition. Its use had already begun with the commencement of trade with goods, so today it is difficult to imagine life without packaging. It allows easier access to consumer goods, while reducing costs and even larger quantities of waste. A very important factor in the field of packaging is also the issue of environmental protection. European and Slovenian legislation has intensely intervened in this field and has constantly been complemented with the aim to minimize the impact of packaging on the environment. Companies must provide for the packaging when it becomes waste, what is called extended producer responsibility. In Slovenia the law requires all persons who have placed on the market more than 15 tons per year of packaging to be included in one of the extended producer responsibility schemes (compliance scheme) for management of packaging waste. Producers pay fees to the compliance scheme which takes care of packaging waste after its use or when it becomes waste. In this thesis, I have prepared a review on the field of packaging waste by the reports of compliance schemes and publications in the media and tried to determine why the system does not work effectively. The aim was to propose changes in this field with a view to making the system more efficient, and environmentally and financially sustainable.
Keywords:packaging, packaging waste, extended producer responsibility.
