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Title:Birokratski stil v srbskem in slovenskem časopisju v času socializma
Authors:ID Petrović, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Budimirović, Jelena (Author)
Files:.pdf Jelena_Budimirovic.pdf (7,29 MB)
MD5: 95D9ACE815F4B704FC9E9C662DD68698
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FPŠ - Graduate School
Abstract:Glavni namen birokratskega stila ni komunikativen, temveč ritualno-ideološki. Takšen stil služi kot sredstvo jezikovne manipulacije in birokratom zagotavlja monopol pri političnem odločanju. Birokratski stil je v srbščini razcvet doživel v socializmu, v slovenščini pa se je razvijal pod vplivom srbščine. V tej nalogi analiziramo jezik srbskega časopisa Borba, oziroma slovenskih časopisov Ljudska pravica in Delo v času socializma, in sicer skozi dve obdobji – obdobje začetka socialističnega sistema v Jugoslaviji (1944–1947) ter poznejše obdobje, v katerem je imel socializem v Jugoslaviji za seboj že več desetletij (1974–1979). Za jezik prvega obdobja so značilni enostavnost, ideološkost in čustvenost. Za stil drugega obdobja je opazna izjemno močna birokratiziranost novinarskega stila, in smo ga zato analizirali glede na klasifikacijo značilnosti birokratskega stila: nominalnost, splošnost, nedoločenost, eksplicitnost, evfemizmi, presežek besed, kvaziznanstvenost in uporaba besed tujega izvora. Analiza opisuje slovnična in leksična sredstva birokratizacije in razlaga njihove učinke v sociolingvističnem kontekstu.
Keywords:birokratski stil, socializem, Borba, Ljudska pravica, Delo, manipulacija
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2494 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4497147 New window
Publication date in RUNG:19.09.2016
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Secondary language

Abstract:The main purpose of bureaucratic style is not the one of communication, but of ritualistic ideology. This language serves as a means of linguistic manipulation and provides monopoly to bureaucrats in political decision-making. The bureaucratic style flourished in Serbian language during the Yugoslavian socialism, and in turn influenced the Slovenian bureaucratic style of the time. This paper discusses the language of the Serbian newspaper Borba and Slovenian newspapers Ljudska pravica and Delo, active during the socialist era. We shall cover two distinct periods – the early socialist period in Yugoslavia (1944–1947) and the late period (1974–1979), occurring after decades of uninterrupted socialist regime. The language of the early period is simplistic, ideological and emotive. The journalistic style of the late period, however, is highly bureaucratic, which is the reason we analyse it by the characteristics of bureaucratic style: nominalisation, generalisation, ambiguity, explicitness, euphemisms, excess of words, quasi-scientificness and frequent usage of foreign loan terms. This analysis depicts the grammatical and lexical tools of bureaucratic language and interprets their effects in the social-linguistic context.
Keywords:bureaucratic style, socialism, Borba, Ljudska pravica, Delo, manipulation
