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Title:Optimizacija skladiščnega poslovanja v oskrbni verigi : -
Authors:ID Stojan, Grgič (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Grmek, Bernard (Author)
Files:.pdf Bernard_Grmek.pdf (756,80 KB)
MD5: D1D4C33FB6DDA738214F520F7874BC49
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Namen diplomskega dela je ureditev skladiščnega poslovanja izbranega podjetja. V prvem, teoretičnem delu naloge opisujemo elemente logističnega sistema, oskrbne verige, skladiščno poslovanje in prednosti sodobne informacijske tehnologije v skladiščnem poslovanju. Predstavili smo prednosti brezpapirnega skladiščnega poslovanja, standarde črtnih kod in pomembnost urejenih oskrbnih verig. V praktičnem delu smo predstavili obstoječe stanje v skladišču, opisali obstoječe stanje prevzema, ter komisioniranja in izdaje blaga. Izluščili smo jedro problemov, opisali področja možnih izboljšav in ponudili rešitve in priporočila za optimizacijo danih problemov in izboljšanje sedanjega stanja. Ugotovili smo, da so skladiščni procesi neustrezni, skladiščno poslovanje neurejeno, saj dolgi postopki vzamejo preveč časa. Zaradi neuporabe avtomatskega zajema podatkov so skladiščni procesi daljši in večja je tudi možnost napak. Problematika se začne pri pomanjkanju skladiščnega prostora. Postopki prevzema, komisioniranja in izdaje blaga so dolgotrajni. Blago je skladiščeno na naključnih lokacijah, zato je pri komisioniranju opravljena veliko daljša pot ob iskanju materiala. Vse dokumente je treba ročno vnašati, kar je zelo zamudno. Predlagali smo nakup dodatnih regalov za odlaganje strešnih kritin, uvedbo uporabe črtne kode za vse artikle, uporabo terminalov za potrebe prevzema, komisioniranja in izdaje blaga, uvedbo lokacijsko vodenega skladišča ter posodobitev informacijskega sistema. S predlaganimi rešitvami bi podjetje zvišalo storilnost skladiščnih delavcev, znižalo stroške skladiščenja ter pridobilo konkurenčno prednost na trgu.
Keywords:Logistika, skladišče, črtna koda, komisioniranje, GS1 standardi, RIP, SOU.
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2514 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4504315 New window
Publication date in RUNG:26.09.2016
GRMEK, Bernard, 2016, Optimizacija skladiščnega poslovanja v oskrbni verigi : - [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Nova Gorica. [Accessed 23 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:The optimization of warehouse operations in the supply chain : -
Abstract:This thesis aims to optimize the warehouse operations in a specific company. The first part, which is largely theoretical, describes the elements of logistics systems, supply chains, warehouse operations and the advantages that information technology offers. The barcode standards are adressed, while the importance of having well-managed and organized supply chains is looked at. Lastly, the advantages associated with paperless warehouse operations are discussed in detail. The second, more practical part focuses on the aforementioned company and the current situation in the warehouse. We analyse the way the company receives, commissions and releases goods. The problems the company currently has in its warehouse are outlined, as well as the areas where improvements could be made. Various solutions to the problems are suggested, while recommendations are made on how to improve the current status of the warehouse. The analysis reveals show that the company’s current warehousing practices are inadequate, warehouse operations are not well organised and certain procedures take too long to complete. As the company did not dispose of an automated data acquisition system, each procedure is lengthy and there is a greater chance of erors to be made. Two major problems were addressed. The first one is related to the lack of storage space. Goods are stored at random places and it takes longer to find them later prior to commissioning. Furthermore, all documents are processed by hand, which is very time consuming. In the thesis, we suggest the following remedies: purchasing additional shelving units for rooftile storage, incorporating the use of bar codes for all items, using separate terminals for receiving, commissioning and releasing goods, introducing location-based warehouse management and upgrading the information system. If the company carries out the aforementioned recommendations we believe its warehouse workers will be more effective, its warehousing costs lower and its market presence more competitive.
Keywords:Logistics, warehouse, bar code, commissioning, GS1 standards, EDI, SCM.
