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Title:Poetični jezik in ponavljanje
Authors:ID Zupančič Žerdin, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Pretnar, Mojca (Author)
Files:.pdf Mojca_Pretnar.pdf (1,03 MB)
MD5: 8DAE489EC05CA83FA3E7A4B814E522A3
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FPŠ - Graduate School
Abstract:Delo Poetični jezik in ponavljanje se loteva razmerja med poetičnim jezikom in navadnim jezikom skozi psihoanalitične koncepte. Poetični jezik, kakor ga vidi psihoanaliza, je neločljivi del jezika in temelji na prepletu Lacanovih treh registrov: simbolnega, imaginarnega in realnega - tudi poetični jezik strukturo boromejskega vozla. Poetični jezik, ki ga najdemo v poetičnih besedilih, v primerjavi z navadnim jezikom pomeni spremembo v kodu, ustvarja kršitve in se od navadnega jezika loči po večjem deležu realnega, ki proizvaja različne učinke, zaradi katerih posegamo po poetičnih besedilih. Jezik se konstituira skozi ponavljanje in ponavljanje je moč jezika. Ponavljanje je vse prej kot zaviralna sila, ravno ponavljanje ponuja možnost, da se ustvarja novo. Pretresanje poetičnega jezika skozi dva različna koncepta ponavljanja, ponavljanje, kakor ga vidita Lacanova psihoanaliza in Deleuzova filozofija, potrdi, da se poetični jezik konstituira skozi vse plati ponavljanja. Če poetični jezik proizvaja realne učinke in stvori umetniško poetično besedilo, sestoji iz ponavljanja v vseh treh registrih po Lacanovi tipologiji ali mora biti sklop vseh treh sintez po Deleuzovi tipologiji. To vednost mora v zakup vzeti tudi prevajanje poetičnih besedil, ki je tudi en primer ponavljanja.
Keywords:poetični jezik, jejezik, boromejski vozel, ponavljanje v psihoanalizi, Deleuzov koncept ponavljanja, objekt a, literarno prevajanje
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2545 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4512507 New window
Publication date in RUNG:28.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Poetic Language and Repetition
Abstract:This study first attempts to construct the concept of poetic language in relation to ordinary language as seen by Lacanian psychoanalysis. In this attempt, it approaches the problem from Lacan’s three orders: the symbolic, imaginary and real, since poetic language is structured as a Borromean knot. The poetic language found in poetic texts presents a difference in code, and differs from ordinary language in having a bigger share of fragments of the real. These fragments of the real produce certain effects and are the reason why people read poetic texts, and the power of the language is in repetition. This study therefore further attempts to investigate poetic language through two different concepts of repetition, repetition as defined in Lacanian psychoanalysis and repetition in Deleuze’s philosophy. Poetic language is constituted through all levels of repetition. If poetic language produces the effects of the real and art, then the repetition has to include all three Lacanian orders and be the collaboration of all three Deleuze’s syntheses of time. This should also be seen in one example of the act of repetition of poetic texts - literary translation.
Keywords:poetic language, lalangue, Borromean knot, repetition in psychoanalysis, Deleuze’s repetition, object a, literary translation
