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Authors:ID Božič, Zoran (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Pušnar, Nina (Author)
Files:.pdf Nina_Pusnar.pdf (1,07 MB)
MD5: 13BC0CFA431083DCE03B144C196B4BAF
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FH - Faculty of Humanities
Abstract:Diplomska naloga je osnovana na primerjavi treh medijskih uresničitev Balade o trobenti in oblaku: noveli Cirila Kosmača, filma režiserja Franceta Štiglica in radijske igre po radijski dramatizaciji Mitje Mejaka. V prvem delu najprej predstavim avtorje vseh treh uresničitev in izpostavim nekaj splošnih razlik med vsemi tremi različicami dela. Predstavim tudi glavne značilnosti obdobja, v katerem je nastala literarna predloga, in se dotaknem primerjave med bralcem, gledalcem in poslušalcem. V nadaljevanju primerjam vse tri medije in predstavim adaptacijo literarnega dela. Sledi tipologija pripovedovalca, nazadnje pa predstavim še vsebino vseh treh medijskih uresničitev. V drugem delu naloge primerjam vse tri medijske uresničitve, pri čemer se osredotočam na vsebino, pripovedovalca, simboliko, like, tematiko in motiviko, kompozicijo ter kraj in čas dogajanja. Na osnovi primerjave ugotovim, da med uresničitvami obstajajo pomembne razlike in zaključim, da je najboljša izmed vseh treh uresničitev Kosmačeva novela.
Keywords:Balada o trobenti in oblaku, adaptacija dela, film, radijska igra, Ciril Kosmač, France Štiglic, Mitja Mejak
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2550 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4511483 New window
Publication date in RUNG:28.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of three different media realization of novell Balads of trumpets and a cloud (novell, movie and radio play)
Abstract:Thesis is based on comparison of three different media realization of novell Ballad of the Trumpet and the Cloud: novell Ciril Kosmač, movie director Franceta Štiglica and radio play based on radio dramatization Mitje Mejaka. In first part I introduce authors of all three realizations and point out some of general differences between all three versions. I introduce main features of period, in which the literary proposal was created, and compare between reader, viewer and listener. Below I compare all three media and present adaptation of literary work. Followed by typology of narrator, last I introduce content of all three media realization. In second part of thesis I compare all three media realization, in which I focus on content, symbolism, caracters , theme, motifs, compositions and place and time of events. Based on comparisons I find out , there are important differences between realizations, and make a completion that the best one is novell written by Kosmač.
Keywords:Ballad of the Trumpet and the Cloud, adaptation, movie, radio play, Ciril Kosmač, France Štiglic, Mitja Mejak
