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Title:Fizikalna, kemijska in biološka analiza reke Idrijce od izvira do izliva
Authors:ID Pipan, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Ferfolja, Monika (Author)
Files:.pdf Monika_Ferfolja.pdf (2,74 MB)
MD5: AA8F34113112089C845D5A55EB3AD819
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZO - Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Abstract:Reka Idrijca je zaradi 500-letnega rudarjenja, razvite industrije in bližine kmetijskih zemljišč potencialno zelo obremenjena reka. V diplomski nalogi smo se odločili analizirati fizikalne in kemijske parametre ter izvesti strupenostni test na bakterijah Vibrio fischeri, s katerimi smo ugotovili, na katerem delu od izvira do izliva je reka najbolj obremenjena ter poiskali vzroke za onesnaženje. Dobljene vrednosti smo primerjali z zakonsko predpisanimi mejnimi vrednostmi. Tako fizikalni, kot tudi kemijski parametri niso na nobenem merilnem mestu presegali zakonsko predpisanih mejnih vrednosti, kar nam pove, da reka Idrijca ni obremenjena reka. Enako velja za rezultate strupenostnega testa, ki so pokazali, da voda ni strupena za bakterije, saj se je njihova rast v večini vzorcev povečala. Najboljšo kakovost je reka Idrijca imela na prvem merilnem mestu (pri Lajštu), ki je najbližje izviru in kjer človek s svojimi aktivnostmi nima vpliva nanjo. Povišane koncentracije določenih parametrov pa smo dobili na četrtem merilnem mestu (po čistilni napravi Idrija).
Keywords:Reka Idrijca, onesnaženje rek, analiza reke, čistilna naprava, industrija
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2585 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4520955 New window
Publication date in RUNG:30.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Physical, chemical and biological analysis of Idrijca River from spring to river mouth
Abstract:Idrijca River is potentially contaminated because of 500 years of mercury mining and due to developed industry and agricultural land in the catchment area. In our thesis we analysed physical and chemical parameters and performed a toxicity test on the bacterium Vibrio fischeri to determine which part of the river is the most contaminated and find reasons for its pollution. We compared our values with the legally defined limits in Slovenia. Neither physical nor chemical parameters exceeded the required values. The results of the toxicity test also showed that Idrijca River is not toxic for this bacterium as the growth of bacteria even increased at some measuring points. At the first measuring point (at Lajšt) the parameters had the lowest values, because there is no significant anthropogenic impact on the river quality there. The highest values were obtained at the fourth measuring point (after wastewater treatment plant Idrija)
Keywords:Idrijca River, pollution, river water assessment, wastewater treatment plant, industry
