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Title:PLATOON Kunsthalle Berlin, kot začasni eksperimentalni prostor in socialna skulptura : Eat Meat
Authors:ID Pretnar, Metka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Potočnik, Marija Laura (Author)
Files:.pdf Marija_Laura_Potocnik.pdf (11,27 MB)
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Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:VŠU - School of Arts
Abstract:Teoretični del diplomske naloge zajema in obravnava začasni eksperimentalni prostor PLATOON Kunsthalle Berlin kot socialno skulpturo. Uvodno temo odprem z razlago, zakaj sem izbrala PLATOON Kunsthalle Berlin za vsebino te diplomske naloge ter jo na kratko predstavim. Sledi definicija pojma socialne skulpture ter predstavitev Josepha Beuysa, umetnika, ki je izraz prvi uporabil. Za tem povežem in kategoriziram PLATOON Kunsthalle kot socialno skulpturo, jo podrobno predstavim od ustanovitve do postavitve v Berlinu, obdelam njeno skupnost in opišem njen vpliv na berlinsko umetniško sceno ter orišem organizacijo PLATOON Cultural Development. Praktični del tega diplomskega dela je video inštalacija EAT MEAT?, v kateri si postavljam vprašanja o morali, družbi ter o odnosu do živali. Na podlagi Freudove delitve osebnosti raziskujem človeško - živalske odnose in človekovo moralno vlogo v teh odnosih ter vlečem vzporednice med vrednotami. Inštalacija je avtobiografsko delo, intimno in subjektivno. Njen namen je vzbuditi zavedanje in razmislek o tem, v kakšni družbi pravzaprav živimo, kakšne posledice puščajo naša dejanja in udobje, ker oboje nam vsiljuje ignoranca industrije v svojem brezkompromisnem boju za zaslužek.
Keywords:PLATOON, Kunsthalle, Berlin, socialna skulptura, eksperimentalni prostor, umetniška scena, video inštalacija, družba, morala, meso, srce
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2603 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4651259 New window
Publication date in RUNG:01.02.2017
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Secondary language

Title:PLATOON Kunsthalle Berlin, as experimental temporary space and social sculpture : Eat Meat
Abstract:The theoretical part of this bachelor’s thesis focuses on the temporary experimental space PLATOON Kunsthalle Berlin and categorizes it as a social sculpture. I open with making a short introduction of PLATOON Kunsthalle Berlin and giving an account of my reasons for choosing it as the focus of this thesis, followed by a definition of the term ‘social sculpture’ and a presentation of the artist that first used the term - Joseph Beuys. I then go on to continue to connect the term social sculpture with PLATOON Kunsthalle in terms of content, by describing its journey from the founding and building process in Berlin, touching on its role as a community and outlineing the influence that it has had on the art scene in Berlin. The video art installation “EAT MEAT?” is the practical part of this bachelor’s thesis where I explore morals, society and our attitude toward animals. On the basis of Freud’s division of the psyche, I draw parallels between human-animal relationships and the role which morality plays in how humans behave toward animals. The installation is an autobiographic work, strictly intimate and subjective. Its goal is to awaken awareness and spark thought on what kind of society we actually live in and what the consequences to our deeds and comfort are, while we blindly follow the directions dictated by the industry and forced on us by consumer society in its uncompromising lust for profit.
Keywords:PLATOON, Kunsthalle, Berlin, Social sculpture, Experimental space, Art scene, Video installation, Society, Moral, Meat, Heart
