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Title:Avtorjeva refleksija okolja in družbe : Sociološki prikaz stanja družbe s pomočjo ulične fotografije / Fotoknjiga GO
Authors:ID Sluga, Ana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Dekleva, Luka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Mrak, Saša (Author)
Files:.pdf Sasa_Mrak.pdf (4,02 MB)
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MD5: 4BC2C4B7C918384A3EF045D95E0A2A77
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:VŠU - School of Arts
Abstract:S pisnim delom diplomske naloge se osredotočam na sam razvoj dokumentarne fotografije in posledično na rojstvo nove veje fotografije – ulična ali street fotografija. Spraševal sem se, kaj me tako pritegne pri takšni zvrsti podob. Glavni razlog je razumevanje nastanka fotografije, da so to podobe realnih situacij, ki so nezaigrane, bizarne in nepredstavljive. Pri ulični fotografiji je najpomembnejši avtorski pogled, kako izbereš motiv, kako pristopiš do subjekta in kako ga boš prikazal. S tem podaš svoj pečat in ustvariš nekaj povsem osebnega in neponovljivega. Namen preučevanja uličnih fotografov je, da bi izvedel, kakšen je njihov delovni proces, zakaj so se avtorji odločili nekaj fotografirati, ali je vse zelo premišljeno vnaprej ali je lahko spontano. V praktičnem delu sem se sam osredotočil na beleženje ljudi in okolja Nove Gorice in poskušal sestaviti avtorski pogled na trenutno stanje ljudi v svetu hitrega življenja, finančne krize in tehnološkega razvoja. Svoj odnos in zanimanje do ulične fotografije sem začel razvijati na podlagi odvračanja inscinirane ali studijske fotografije, nečesa, kar je estetsko dovršeno in umetno. Ujetje dogodka, ki se pojavi enkratno, ne preseže še tako popolne nerealno ustvarjene podobe. Prepričan sem, da moraš s fotografijo tudi nekaj sporočiti. S tem, ko združiš sporočilo v realno situacijo, je opazovalec nad videnim šokiran, presenečen in mu toliko bolj verjame, ker ve, da se je zgodilo, in je tudi sam del tega. Gre torej za moč vizualne podobe, kritičnost. V fotografskih delih različnih avtorjev lahko z opazovanjem vidimo glavno nit sporočila. Nekateri fotografirajo ljudi in s tem posredujejo socialno podobo, kjer je osrednji element človek, medtem ko nekateri svojo kritiko podajo skozi podobe okolja, socialne krajine. Glavni namen ulične fotografije je zaznavanje dogajanja v okolici eksistence človeka. Ustvarjanje fotografije ne sme biti kontrolirano, temveč mora biti fotograf kot del sheme, spremljati mora dogajanje, poslušati, zanimati ga mora okolje, v katerem je. Zato raziskujem, kaj pomeni ulična fotografija, kateri so njeni temelji, pravila, če jih sploh lahko ima. Ali fotografija sploh lahko deluje kot prikaz stanja človeštva?
Keywords:dokumentarna fotografija, ulična fotografija, avtorski pogled, glavna nit, sporočila, kritičen, socialna podoba, socialna krajina
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2606 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4652027 New window
Publication date in RUNG:01.02.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Author's reflection on environment and society : Sociological overview with the help of street photography / Fotobook GO
Abstract:The written part of the thesis is focused on the very development of documentary photography and, consequently, the birth of a new branch of photography - street photography. I was wondering what attracts me in such types of images. The main reason is understanding the formation of pictures, images of real situations that are bizarre and unimaginable but not staged. The most important aspect in street photography is author’s view, how one chooses a motive, how to accede a subject and how to represent it. Following it, one can create something totally personal and unrepeatable. The purpose of the study of street photographers is to find out what their working process is, why the authors decided to photograph something, is it planned in advance, or may be spontaneous. In the practical part my aim was recording people and the environment of Nova Gorica and try to present my author’s view of the current situation of people in the world of fast pace living, era of financial crisis and technological development. My interest in street photography began to develop on the basic deterrence of staged studio photography, something that is based on esthetics and artificial. For me, capturing an unique event exceeds even a perfectly created generated imagery. I am convinced that through a photograph one must also deliver a message. When one combines a real situation and it reflects a critic or point of view, the observer will be shocked and surprised and even more convinced , because he knows that it happened, and he is also a part of it. So to speak, the power of visual images is delivering a message. If we observe work of different authors one can see, how each of them reaches and deliveres a message. Some take photographs of people, trying to transmit a social image, while some criticise through environmental images, social landscape. The main purpose of street photography is the perception of the events surrounding the human existence. Creating a picture must not be controlled, the photographer must blend in as a part of the whole scheme, must observe the surrounding action, listen, be interested in the environment around him. Therefore, I explore what street photography is, which are its foundations or rules, if there are any. Is it possible that an image can contain the information of the current human condition?
Keywords:documentary photography, street photograhy, author's view, message, critical, social landscape
