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Title:Kakovost tal v mestnih vrtovih na območju Nove Gorice
Authors:ID Žižek, Suzana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Sarka, Grega (Author)
Files:.pdf Grega_Sarka.pdf (2,82 MB)
MD5: 0AA2954A70B8DBA5BC93358F1EBA89AF
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZO - Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Abstract:Samooskrba s hrano je v zadnjem času zelo pomembna tematika. Ljudje se vse bolj zanimajo za pridelovanje lastne hrane in vrtnarjenje je v Sloveniji zelo razširjeno, tudi v mestnih območjih. Za namene tega diplomskega dela smo vzeli vzorce prsti iz petih točk mestnega območja Nove Gorice in en vzorec izven mestnega območja, ki je služil za primerjavo. V vseh vzorcih smo analizirali teksturo, vlago, organsko snov, pH, prevodnost, zadrževalno kapaciteto vode in vsebnost težkih kovin – železa, kadmija svinca in cinka. Naredili smo še ekotoksikološki test z deževniki. Rezultati kažejo, da nekatere točke, posebej tiste povsem zraven prometnic, niso primerne za gojenje vrtnin, saj so koncentracije težkih kovin presegale mejne vrednosti.
Keywords:analiza prsti, kakovost tal, mestni vrtovi, Nova Gorica, težke kovine  
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2775-970287d3-b4d3-ed0c-d5b2-e736aeeb1be9 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4570875 New window
Publication date in RUNG:11.11.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Soil quality in urban gardens in Nova Gorica
Abstract:Food self-sufficiency is a very important topic lately. People are more and more interested into growing their own food. Gardening, also in urban areas, is widespread in Slovenia. For this thesis five soil samples from urban locations of Nova Gorica and one soil sample from rural location were taken. Samples were analysed for texture, moisture, organic matter, pH, conductivity, water holding capacity and content of heavy metals – iron, cadmium, lead and zinc. Ecotoxicological test with earthworms was performed. Results show that all locations, especially those very close to traffic roads, are not suitable for growing crops. Concentrations of heavy metals at those locations were over maximum permissible limits.
Keywords:soil analysis, soil quality, urban gardens, Nova Gorica, heavy metals
