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Title:Potencial lesne biomase za povečanje stopnje samooskrbe z gorivi v Sloveniji
Authors:ID Gjerkeš, Henrik (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kobal, Uroš (Author)
Files:.pdf Uros_Kobal.pdf (1,87 MB)
MD5: 12F2C38B8D75D143E1407FC25D93B672
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Energija je ključna dobrina našega obstoja, dela in ustvarjalnosti. Ker smo od nje tako zelo odvisni, ima pomembno vlogo njena varna, zanesljiva in konkurenčna dobava. In ker zaradi današnjih potreb ne želimo spodkopavati razvoja in okoljskih potreb zdajšnje in bodočih generacij, moramo energijo pridobivati v skladu s smernicami trajnostnega razvoja. Trenutno je velik del sveta odvisen od dobav fosilnih goriv, ki ne izpolnjujejo teh smernic. Države članice EU so si zato postavile ambiciozne cilje za povečanje rabe obnovljivih virov energije, ki bi to stanje izboljšali. Glede na to, da gozdovi pokrivajo 58,3% površine Slovenije, ima energija lesne biomase tu velik potencial. V magistrskem delu je na podlagi podatkov iz statističnih baz ocenjeno, da je vsako leto za energetsko izrabo na voljo čez 2.400.000 ton zračno suhe lesne biomase. Preko 1.600.000 ton se je že sedaj porabi v energetske namene, preostali del pa ostane neizkoriščen. Iz nje je mogoče preko enostavnejših ali bolj kompleksnih postopkov priti do trdnih, tekočih ali plinastih biogoriv, ki so uporabna v sektorju prometa in v proizvodnji električne energije ali toplote. Tehnologije, ki so poleg oksidacije trdnih lesnih goriv v nalogi predstavljene, so uplinjanje lesne biomase, soproizvodnja toplote in električne energije, proizvodnja vodika in bio zemeljskega plina, proizvodnja tekočih biogoriv s Fischer-Tropschevo sintezo, utekočinjanje lesa in depolimerizacija biomase z nadaljnjo sintezo tekočih biogoriv. Ocenjeno je, da bi lahko z implementacijo teh postopkov in uporabo domače lesne biomase na ravni države privarčevali preko 128 milijonov evrov letno, zmanjšali emisije CO2 v ozračje za skoraj 718.000 ton ter v kombinaciji z dobro delujočo lesno industrijo ustvarili 30.000 novih delovnih mest.
Keywords:Lesna biomasa, potencial lesne biomase, obnovljivi viri energije, biogoriva, uplinjanje biomase, utekočinjanje lesne biomase, soproizvodnja toplote in električne energije
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2778-e28ed542-73f6-07aa-62b8-eb9e51a2c00b New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4596475 New window
Publication date in RUNG:06.12.2016
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Secondary language

Title:The potential of wooden biomass for increasing the level of self-supply with fuels in Slovenia
Abstract:Energy is key necessity for our existence, work and creativity. Because of our great dependance on energy, it is important to have safe, dependable and competitive energy supply. As we don't want to sacrifice environmental needs of current and future generations, we must also manage energy use according to sustainable developement guidelines. Most of the world economies are currently dependant on fossil-fuel supply, that doesn't meet that criteria. So to improve the situation the EU member states have committed themselves to ambitious goals regarding renewable energy use. Slovenia's area is largely covered by forests, so it can get considerable amount of energy from wooden biomass use. In the master thesis it is predicted - on the basis of statistical data - that there are over 2.400.000 tons of air-dry wooden biomass available every year. Over 1.600.000 tons of it is already in use, but the other part remains unused. That part of wooden biomass could be exploited in many simple or complex processes to yield solid, liquid or gaseous biofuels, which could then be used in transport sector or in production of electrical energy or heat. In the thesis there are description of simple solid-fuels use and also explanations of gasification process, combined heat and power process (cogeneration), hydrogen and bio natural gas production via synthesis gas, liquid biofuels production via Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, wood liquefaction and biomass depolimerisation combined with liquid fuel synthesis. It is estimated, that implementation of these processes and use of free wooden biomass would save the country more than 128 mio EUR annualy, reduce CO2 emissions by almost 718.000 tons and create around 30.000 new jobs in combination with well functioning wood-processing industry.
Keywords:Wooden biomass, potential of wooden biomass, renewable energy sources, biofuels, wooden biomass gasification, wooden biomass liquefaction, combined heat and power
