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Title:Senescence: Utekočinjeni čas
Authors:ID Šebjanič, Robertina (Author)
ID Oarga-Mulec, Andreea, Univerza v Novi Gorici (Author)
ID Hvala, Tea (Author)
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Work type:Not categorized
Typology:3.12 - Exhibition
Organization:UNG - University of Nova Gorica
Abstract:Projekt s čutno potopitvijo v tišino, hlad in temo podzemnih jam obiskovalcem približa okolje, v katerem izraz "mi" ni rezerviran za ljudi. Za živa bitja v tem ekstremnem habitatu biološki čas teče počasneje kot za ljudi, medtem ko neživa narava milijone let geološkega časa beleži v pičlih milimetrih rasti. Hkratno raztezanje in krčenje časa je človeku težko doumljivo, a pronicanje vode, ki ju omogoča, kapljanje srebrnih kapljic, ki odzvanja v tišini jam, nam daje slutiti, da smo vpeti v svet, ki je veliko večji od nas samih. Utekočinjena časovna kapsula s treh avtorskih vidikov interpretira okolje, kjer čas in prostor kljubujeta človeški zaznavi.
Keywords:podzemne jame, ekstremni habitat, biološki čas, geološki čas, pronicanje vode, terensko delo, speleologija, izolirani zvok, bakterije
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Year of performance:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2868-919a85d0-0c77-1d89-3656-9a15302d9f72 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4622587 New window
Publication date in RUNG:04.01.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Senescence: Liquid Time Capsule
Abstract:This sensuous submersion into the silence, darkness and cold of subterranean caves brings visitors to an environment where the pronoun 'we' is not reserved for people. For living organisms occupying this extreme habitat, biological time proceeds at a much slower pace than it does for humans, while non-living nature measures millions of years of geologic time in mere millimetres. The simultaneous stretching and contracting of time is difficult to comprehend, but the trickling of water which enables it, and the dripping of silvery drops, echoing in the silence of caves, hint at a world that is much larger from ourselves. The Liquid Time Capsule project interprets the environment where time and space defy human perception from three artistic perspectives.
Keywords:subterranean caves, extreme habitat, biologic time, geologic time, water percolation, fieldwork, speleology, isolated sound, bacteria
