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Title:Vpliv različnih tehnoloških postopkov predelave grozdja sorte Zelen (Vitis vinifera L.) na aromatične značilnosti vina
Authors:ID Sternad Lemut, Melita (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Fabjan, Franko (Author)
Files:.pdf Franko_Fabjan.pdf (1,16 MB)
MD5: 931400CFDCF292001E8421238CD81FB3
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:VŠVV - College of Viticulture and Enology
Abstract:Poleg sorte, geo-klimatskih pogojev in vinogradniških strategij v vinogradu so tudi vinarjeve odločitve glede izbora vinifikacijskih postopkov tiste, ki lahko odločilno vplivajo na končno kakovost vina, vključno z njegovimi aromatskimi značilnostmi. Z različnimi prijemi ali postopki pred alkoholno fermentacijo in med njo lahko vplivamo predvsem na ekstrakcijo in ohranitev primarnih ter na tvorbo sekundarnih aromatskih spojin. V okviru diplomskega dela smo s pomočjo modernih analitskih pristopov metabolnega profiliranja in tehnike GC/MS/MS preučevali vpliv različnih tehnoloških postopkov predelave grozdja (krioekstrakcija s suhim ledom, stik s celimi jagodami med fermentacijo, klasični pristop-kontrola) na vsebnost prostih in vezanih aromatičnih spojin v mladih vinih Zelen, letnik 2014. Preučili smo tudi vpliv obravnavanih tehnologij na senzorične lastnosti, vezane na zaznave vonja v mladih vinih. Rezultati enoletnega poskusa so nakazali, da lahko s pomočjo krioekstrakcije v vinih Zelen povečamo izplene skupnih prostih aromatičnih kislin, estrov in terpenov, po drugi strani pa smo zaznali le trend povečanja vsebnosti skupnih višjih alkoholov pri vzorcih iz postopka dodajanja jagod med fermentacijo. V primeru vezanih aromatskih spojin smo s pomočjo postopka dodajanja jagod v primerjavi s kontrolo opazili trende povečanja vsebnosti nekaterih vezanih estrov, norizoprenoidov in višjih alkoholov, krioekstrakcija pa je večinoma povzročila trende k niţjim vsebnostim vezanih aromatskih spojin glede na kontrolne vzorce. Nazadnje so se tudi senzorična opazovanja z vonjem povezanih lastnosti vin zaključila preteţno v prid postopku z dodajanjem jagod med fermentacijo.
Keywords:'Zelen' (Vitis Vinifera L.), alternativni pristopi v predelavi grozdja, krioekstrakcija, dodajanje sveţih jagod med alkoholno fermentacijo, proste aromatične spojine v vinu, vezane aromatične spojine v vinu, senzorika vina
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2882-ffb6bae9-6cf1-e021-5771-fb3d89217aff New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4645371 New window
Publication date in RUNG:23.01.2017
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Secondary language

Abstract:Beside variety, geo-climatic conditions and viticulture strategies in the vineyard, also winemaker’s choices in the cellar play a significant role in final wine quality and aroma style. Different approaches or procedures, before and during the fermentation, can influence in particular the extraction and preservation of the primary and the formation of the secondary aromatic compounds. Within this study we were using modern analytical approach of metabolic profiling and techniques GC/MS/MS in order to study the influence of various winemaking approaches (crioextraction with dry ice, contact with the whole grape berries during fermentation, classic approach-control) on the content of free and bound aromatic compounds in young wines Zelen of vintage 2014. We also studied the influence of the observed technologies on the organoleptic characteristics related to the odor in young wines. The results of one-year experiment indicated that with the help of crioextraction we could improve the yielding of total free aromatic acids, esters and terpens in Zelen wines. On the other hand, we have noticed only a trend of an increase in the content of total higher alcohols in samples from the treatment with addition of whole grape berries during fermentation. In case of bound aromatic compounds we have observed the trends toward enhanced content of several bound esters, norisoprenoids and higher alcohols by adding berries in comparison with control. Crioextraction on the other hand mainly showed trends toward lower contents of bound aromatic compounds in relation to the control samples. Finally, also sensory observations of wine aromatic characteristics closed mainly in favour of the procedure with adding berries during the fermentation.
Keywords:'Zelen' (Vitis vinifera L.), alternative approaches in grape processing, crioextraction, addition of fresh grape berries during fermentation, free aromatic compounds in wine, bound aromatic compounds in wine, wine sensory
