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Title:Analiza psihosocialnih tveganj na delovnem mestu v izbrani organizaciji
Authors:ID Dumančić, Tomica (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Tišma, Maja (Author)
Files:.pdf Maja_Tisma.pdf (1,41 MB)
MD5: C2F5F692494027BF747690F5DAF0B65A
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Delodajalec je dolžan poskrbeti, da je vsak, ki je redno ali začasno zaposlen v njegovem podjetju, že pred začetkom nastopa na delovnem mestu poučen o varnosti na delovnem mestu in o varstvu pred požarom. Dejavniki, kot so nezadostno znanje, različne spretnosti in navade ter nezadostna usposobljenost delavcev za varno delo, so ključnega pomena za nastanek poškodb pri delu. S tem so seznanjeni tudi v podjetju Mahle Letrika, d. d.; enem izmed največjih proizvodnih podjetij v Sloveniji z več kot 50-letno tradicijo. Z novo skupino za promocijo zdravja poskušajo koncept »zdravega delovnega mesta« v upanju, da ta postane navada in ne dolžnost, čim bolj približati zaposlenim. V nalogi se bomo osredotočili predvsem na področje stresa na delovnem mestu. Psihosocialna tveganja in stres, povezan z delom, so med najtežjimi izzivi na področju varnosti in zdravja pri delu, ki jih je mogoče s pravim pristopom preprečiti in uspešno obvladovati ne glede na velikost ali vrsto podjetja. S pomočjo rezultatov naše ankete bodo oblikovani preventivni in kurativni ukrepi za zmanjševanje psihosocialnih tveganj ter izboljšanje ocene tveganja na delovnem mestu.
Keywords:Mahle Letrika, d. d., varnost in zdravje na delovnem mestu, varstvo pred požarom, promocija zdravja, stres na delovnem mestu, psihosocialna tveganja
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-3016-2326d9a9-3efa-e2cc-4b28-309e092adf3b New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4839419 New window
Publication date in RUNG:10.07.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The analysis of psychosocial risks at the workplace in a selected organization
Abstract:The employer is obliged to ensure that each regular and part-time employee in his company is informed about safety at the workplace and fire safety, before he starts working. Factors like insufficient knowledge, different skills and habits and insufficient training of employees for safe work are crucial for the occurrence of work related injuries. The company Mahle Letrika, d. d., one of the largest production companies in Slovenia, with a tradition of over 50 years, are aware of this. With the new group for the promotion of health they try to bring the concept of “healthy workplaces” closer to their employees in hope for it to become a habit, not an obligation. In the thesis, we will focus particularly on the field of stress at the workplace. Psychosocial risks and stress, connected with work, are some of the hardest challenges in the field of safety and health at work, which can be successfully managed and prevented with the right approach regardless of the site and type of the company. The results of our survey will help to prepare measures for the reduction of psychosocial risks and improvement of the risks assessment of the workplace.
Keywords:Mahle Letrika, d. d., safety and health at the workplace, fire protection, health promotion, stress at the workplace, psychosocial risks
