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Title:Implementacija poslovnih orodij korporacije Illinois tool works za optimiziranje planiranja v izbranem podjetju
Authors:ID Orbanić, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Oblak, Saša (Author)
Files:.pdf Sasa_Oblak.pdf (3,34 MB)
MD5: 47BAD0D458BE1F152D911290BBB7804C
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Korporacija Illinois tool works (ITW) ima svoja podjetja po celem svetu in med njimi je tudi izbrano podjetje. Za boljše poslovanje ima pripravljena orodja, ki naj bi jih vsa podjetja implementirala v svoj del poslovanja. Zato smo se odločili, da z magistrskim delom preučimo vsa orodja in nakažemo smernice za implementacijo v poslovanje podjetja. To predstavlja velik izziv za podjetje, zato je motivacija na visoki ravni. Magistrsko delo bo osnova za vpeljavo določenih sprememb za optimizacijo poslovanja, ki bo do določene meri izločila dela brez dodane vrednosti. V osnovi je bilo potrebno najprej prepoznati namen posameznega orodja in ga identificirati s problemom znotraj podjetja. Delo vsebuje predstavitev orodja in dejanski primer rešitve, osrednji del naloge je osredinjen na orodje Stopnja povpraševanja na trgu (an. Market rate of demand – MRD), ki narekuje drugačno razmišljanje glede količine zalog končnih izdelkov. V povezavi s tem smo na osnovi analiz pripravili konkretne predloge za pomoč pri implementaciji. Pričakuje se pozitivne rezultate pri implementaciji vseh orodij v izbranem podjetju, saj so v podjetjih, ki so to že implementirala, prihranki visoki, med drugim pa se je znižal tudi koeficient obračanja zalog. Način vpeljave digitalnega kanbana v povezavi z novimi delovnimi nalogi in načinom naročanja materiala bo zahteven projekt, predvsem s stališča informacijske tehnologije. Praktična vrednost magistrskega dela je, da se ga lahko uporabi kot osnovo za začetek projekta implementacije poslovnih orodij.
Keywords:Stopnja povpraševanja na trgu, izboljšanje delovnih procesov, poenostavitev skupin izdelkov, pravilo 80/20, digitalni kanban, AB analiza, kazalnik obračanja zalog.
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-3065-e008e687-8c45-f003-b370-95a0c310303f New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4904187 New window
Publication date in RUNG:06.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The implementation of business tools of the Illinois Tool Works corporation for the optimization of planning in a selected company
Abstract:The Illinois Tool Works (ITW) Corporation has companies all over the world, including the selected company. In order to improve their business operations, the corporation has developed certain tools the companies should implement in their operations. Therefore, the master’s thesis examines these tools and provides guidelines for their implementation in the company’s business operations. Since this is a big challenge for the company, the motivation is high. The master’s thesis shall serve as the basis for the introduction of certain changes that will lead to the optimization of business operations and to some extent eliminate operations with no added value. First, the purpose of an individual tool had to be established. Then, the tool had to be applied with regard to a problem within the company. The dissertation introduces the tool and the actual example of a solution. The main part of the thesis deals with the Market Rate of Demand tool, which looks at the inventory of final products from another perspective. In this connection, analyses were performed and concrete proposals have been made, which will undoubtedly be of great use during the tool implementation. The implementation of all tools in the selected company is expected to bring positive results. Companies that have already implemented these tools have witnessed high savings and low inventory turnover coefficient. The method of digital kanban implementation regarding new work orders and material ordering method will be a demanding project, especially in terms of information technology. The practical value of the master's thesis is that the findings can be used as the basis for the start of the project of the implementation of business tools.
Keywords:Market demand rate, In-lining, product line simplification, rule 80/20, digital kanban, AB analysis, month on hand.
