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Title:Značilnosti dinamike vsebnosti vodne pare v ozračju nad Vipavsko dolino z uporabo daljinskega zaznavanja s sistemom GPS : Diplomsko delo
Authors:ID Gregorič, Asta (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Bergant, Klemen (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Škrlec, Samo (Author)
Files:.pdf Samo_Skrlec.pdf (3,50 MB)
MD5: FE1703476F98020A7CC4DA031807D7FF
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZO - Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Abstract:Vsebnost vodne pare v ozračju je ena pomembnejših meteoroloških spremenljivk pri numeričnem napovedovanju vremena kot tudi dolgoročnem preučevanju podnebja. Tradicionalni načini merjenja zaradi svojih pomanjkljivosti in stroškov obratovanja ne uspejo pokriti izredno heterogene prostorske in časovne porazdelitve vodne pare v ozračju. Z vse hitrejšim razvojem Globalnih navigacijskih satelitskih sistemov (GNSS), med katere sodi tudi Globalni sistem pozicioniranja (GPS), se vedno bolj uveljavlja daljinsko zaznavanje vsebnosti vodne pare v ozračju na podlagi zakasnitev satelitskih signalov GNSS. V ta namen smo v diplomski nalogi na podlagi skoraj dvoletnih meritev GPS z dvema načrtno postavljenima stacionarnima sprejemnikoma na območju Vipavske doline po uveljavljeni metodologiji, računali skupno vsebnost vodne pare v stolpcu ozračja nad postajo GPS in v sloju ozračja znotraj Vipavske doline – od dna do roba Trnovske planote. Rezultate vsebnosti vodne pare v ozračju smo nato analizirali, primerjali in ovrednotili na podlagi izračunane absolutne vlage in drugih meteoroloških podatkov iz bližnjih merilnih postaj, opisov razvoja vremena in fotografij vremenskih razmer na območju Vipavske doline. Ugotovili smo, da lahko prisotnost padavin ter specifične nehomogene porazdelitve vlažnih zračnih mas vplivajo na razlike v absolutni vlagi, določeni na merilnih postajah in povprečni absolutni vlagi v ozračju Vipavske doline, ocenjeni s pomočjo zakasnitve signalov GNSS.
Keywords:daljinsko zaznavanje, meteorologija GNSS, GPS, troposferska zakasnitev, absolutna vlaga
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-3154 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4788987 New window
Publication date in RUNG:30.05.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Characteristics of water vapor fluctuations in the atmosphere above Vipava Valley region by the use of GPS : Diploma thesis
Abstract:Water vapor plays a crucial role in numerical weather prediction and long term climate research. However, due to the limitations and costs associated with contemporary instruments of water vapor estimation, the complex temporal and spatial distribution of water vapor in the atmosphere remains insufficiently covered. With the rapid development of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), which include the Global Positioning System (GPS), there is rising interest in the potential of remote sensing of water vapor in the atmosphere based on GNSS signals delays. Therefore, in this bachelor thesis, using a proven methodology, almost two years of continuous GPS data, obtained from two specifically located stationary GPS receivers in the Vipava Valley region were used to calculate water vapor in the atmospheric layer within the Vipava Valley – from the base of the valley to the edge of Trnovski gozd ridge. The results were analysed, compared and evaluated based on water vapor calculated using data from nearby meteorological stations, other meteorological data, descriptions of weather development and photographs of weather conditions in the Vipava Valley region. It was concluded, that the presence of percipitation and conditions with specific nonhomogeneous distrubutions of humid air in the Vipava valley cause differences between absolute humudity obtained from measuring stations and the average absolute humidity within Vipava valley, estimated from GNSS signal delays.
Keywords:remote sensing, GNSS Meteorology, GPS, tropospheric delay, absolute humidity
