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Title:Mineralizacija odvečnega blata iz čistilnih naprav za komunalne odpadne vode s pomočjo ozonacije : Diplomsko delo
Authors:ID Zupančič, Gregor Drago (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Hudobivnik, Špela (Author)
Files:.pdf Spela_Hudobivnik.pdf (2,69 MB)
MD5: 704D94E4E30C523EEFA4BD88CECEA049
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZO - Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Abstract:Odvečno blato predstavlja veliko finančno breme, saj strošek odstranjevanja blata na čistilnih napravah predstavlja kar 50% do 60% celotne finančne porabe. V današnjem svetu poznamo in uporabljamo več različnih načinov in procesov, ki potrjeno zmanjšujejo odvečno blato nastalo med procesom čiščenja odpadnih voda. Eden izmed teh procesov je ozonacija. Za namene primerjave v raziskovalnem delu, se je najprej ozoniralo samo blato, nato se je postopek ozonacije integriral v proces čiščenja odpadne vode s šaržnim biološkim reaktorjem (SBR). Za ovrednotenje procesa smo analizirali parametre KPK, TN, TP, NO3--N in NH4+-N, z analizo sušin in žarin pa se je določila koncentracija blata in koncentracija hlapne snovi v blatu za oceno uspešnosti odstranjevanja blata. S samo ozonacijo smo uspeli doseči znižanje koncentracije blata za 60,7% pri dozi 80 g ozona/kg suhe snovi. Koncentracije KPK, TN in TP v supernatantu so se z višjo dozo ozona pričakovano povišale, saj slednji poškoduje celično steno celic v blatu, to pa povzroči da se znotrajcelične snovi razpustijo v supernatant. Točko preloma smo določili pri dozi 30 g ozona / kg suhe snovi, zaradi najvišjega skoka KPK ter sorazmerno nizkega in obvladljivega povečanja koncentracij TN in TP. Pri integraciji ozonacije v proces čiščenja odpadne vode smo dosegli 83% znižanje količine odvečnega blata, pri povprečni dozi 11,1 g ozona/kg suhe snovi blata. KPK, TN, TP, NO3-N in NH4-N so bili pri čiščenju odpadne vode na iztoku pod mejno vrednostjo za izpust. Največji problem je predstavljal TN zaradi velikega vpliva ozonacije na denitrifikacijo. Poraba energije za ozonacijo je znašala 453 kW h na tono dehidriranega blata, kar, po naših izračunih, znese 46,95 € po toni.
Keywords:Čiščenje odpadne vode, odvečno blato, ozon, ozonacija, mineralizacija blata
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-3118-e7cb98c3-4bae-98d4-d02a-3e71f2c07c80 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4836603 New window
Publication date in RUNG:04.07.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Mineralization of sewage sludge from waste water treatment plants for municipal waste water using ozonation : Thesis
Abstract:Excess sludge represents a major financial burden, because the cost of disposal of sludge at wastewater treatment plants can represent up to 50 % – 60 % of the total financial expenditure. Nowadays we use several certified methods and processes to reduce excess sludge generated during the process of wastewater treatment. One of these processes is ozonation. For the purpose of comparison in the research work, excess sludge was firstly ozonated in batch, then the process of ozonation was integrated in the process of wastewater treatment using a sequencing batch reactor (SBR). COD, TN, TP, NO3--N and NH4+-N were analyzed to evaluate process efficiency. Total and volatile solids concentrations were used to determine the concentration of the sludge and the efficiency of sludge degradation. With batch ozonation, we have achieved a 60.7 % reduction in the concentration of sludge with a dose of 80 g of ozone/kg of dry matter. The concentrations of COD, TN and TP in the supernatant were expectedly increased with higher doses of ozone, since they damage the sludge cell walls and this causes the intracellular substances to dissolve in the supernatant. The optimum point was determined at a dose of 30 g of ozone/kg of dry matter, due to the maximum increase of COD and relatively low and manageable increase in the concentrations of TN and TP. With the integration of ozonation into the SBR process of wastewater treatment, 83% of excess sludge degradation was achived, at an average dose of ozone of 11.1 g/kg total solids. In the wastewater effluent, COD, TN, TP, NO3-N and NH4-N concentrations were under the limit values for release into the environment. The largest problem represented TN concentration, because of a high impact of ozonation on denitrification. The energy consumption for ozonation was 453 kWh per tonne of dehydrated sludge, which according to our calculations amounts to 46,95 € per tonne.
Keywords:Wastewater treatment, excess sludge, ozone, ozonation, sludge mineralization
