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Title:Dokumentarnost v avtorski poetiki Nede Rusjan Bric
Authors:ID Mihurko, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Orel, Maja (Author)
Files:.pdf Maja_Orel.pdf (916,06 KB)
MD5: 5875CA7AB3D6D700AF9C119DF44D8146
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FH - Faculty of Humanities
Abstract:V diplomski nalogi so najprej povzete značilnosti dokumentarnega gledališča, sledi predstavitev najbolj odmevnih uprizoritev dokumentarnih dram na svetovnih in slovenskih odrih. V nadaljevanju je pozornost usmerjena v dokumentarno v poetiki Nede Rusjan Bric, ki je s svojimi dramami in njihovimi uprizoritvami v slovenskem gledališkem prostoru začrtala nove smernice dokumentarnega gledališča z elementi fiktivnega. Diplomska naloga predstavlja in analizira vseh pet avtoričinih dram, ki na odru zvesto in kronološko sledijo zgodbam posameznikov, o katerih govorijo. Zgodbe, ki so prikazane na platnu so fiktivne, a dopolnjujejo odrsko dogajanje. Dokument je avtoričino izhodišče, ki ohranja svojo faktografsko podlago, a v drami zaživi na nov način in z novo osvetlitvijo omogoča premislek o že znanih (življenjskih) zgodbah.
Keywords:Neda Rusjan Bric, dokumentarno gledališče, dokumentarna fikcija, gledališče, drama, SNG Nova Gorica, Trieste - Alessandria EMBARKED, Eda - Zgodba bratov Rusjan, Kdor sam do večera potuje skoz svet, Nora Gregor – Skiti kontinent spomina, Fabiani – Umetnost bivanja.
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-3215-730bc4e8-78be-f8ce-9346-8bc268b69380 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4917755 New window
Publication date in RUNG:19.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Documentary aspects in Neda Rusjan Bric's poetics
Abstract:The paper starts with an overview of the principal features of documentary theatre, followed by a look at the most influential performances of documentary plays on stages across the world and in Slovenia, and finally, full attention is given to documentary aspects in Neda Rusjan Bric's poetics. Bric's work within the ambit of the Slovenian theatrical sphere has redefined the guidelines for documentary theatre with elements of fiction. This paper outlines and analyzes all five of her plays, which follow the stories of historical individuals faithfully and chronologically accurately with the events that take place on stage, and supplement them with fictional stories shown on the screen behind them. Documents are the playwright's starting point – she preserves their factual basis, but breathes new life into them and, by showing them in a new light, she allows us to see old, previously known (life) stories in a new way.
Keywords:Neda Rusjan Bric, documentary theatre, documentary fiction, theatre, drama, SNG Nova Gorica, Trieste - Alessandria EMBARKED, Eda - Zgodba bratov Rusjan, Kdor sam do večera potuje skoz svet, Nora Gregor – Skiti kontinent spomina, Fabiani – Umetnost bivanja
