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Title:Model vrednotenja primernosti kandidatov za delovna mesta v zdravstvenem domu
Authors:ID Bohanec, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Milič, Boštjan (Author)
Files:.pdf Bostjan_Milic.pdf (1,24 MB)
MD5: 78B69ADBB158D6D835056CFF1BFB089C
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:IZVLEČEK V magistrskem delu smo opisali nastali kadrovski odločitveni problem v Zdravstvenem domu Sežana. Obravnavali smo problem vrednotenja primernosti kandidatov za izbrano delovno mesto v zdravstvenem domu. Osredotočili smo se na tri delovna mesta (administratorja, zdravnika stomatologa in zdravnika pediatra) in najprej pridobili podatke o razpisanih delovnih mestih. V razpisih so bili podani kriteriji, s katerimi smo izdelali večparametrski model vrednotenja za vsako delovno mesto posebej. Te modele smo izdelali z računalniškim programom DEXi. Na podlagi tega programa smo vrednotili kandidate za delovna mesta. Izmed 334 prijavljenih kandidatov za delovno mesto administratorja smo z modelom ovrednotili in ugotovili, da je za delovno mesto najprimernejši ekonomist računovodske smeri. Podobno smo izbrali najprimernejša izmed 254 prijavljenih kandidatov za delovno mesto zdravnika stomatologa in med 145 prijavljenimi kandidati za novo delovno mesto zdravnika pediatra. Večparametrski model DEX se je izkazal za odlično alternativo pri izbiri novega kandidata za izbrano delovno mesto. Z uporabo metode šestih klobukov razmišljanja smo potrdili rezultate izbora kandidatov.
Keywords:kandidati, delovno mesto, večparametrski model vrednotenja, analiza SWOT, metoda šestih klobukov razmišljanja
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-3232-871140c8-b76d-0485-6c53-0a8951a278fc New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5119483 New window
Publication date in RUNG:02.03.2018
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Secondary language

Title:A model for the evaluation of the suitability of candidates for jobs at the health centre
Abstract:ABSTRACT The master's thesis is discussing the candidate selection problem which arose in the health center Zdravstveni dom Sežana. We examined the problem of evaluating the suitability of candidates for specific positions in the health center. We focused on three openings (administrator, stomatologist and pediatrician) and first obtained the information on the vacancies. The job vacancy notices contained criteria, based on which we made a multi-criteria evaluation model for each position individually. These models were created with the DEXi computer program. We evaluated the candidates for work positions based on the program. From 334 candidates for the position of administrator we used the model to evaluate and determine that the most appropriate person for the vacancy is an accountant with economics degree. We also selected the most appropriate people from 254 candidates for the position of stomatologist, and from 145 candidates for the newly opened position of pediatrician. The multi-criteria DEXi model proved to be an excellent alternative when choosing new candidates for a specific position. By using the Six Thinking Hats method we confirmed the results of chosen candidates.
Keywords:candidates, position, multi-parameter evaluation model, SWOT analysis, Six Thinking Hats method
