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Title:Analiza zasnove, uresničljivosti ter možne uvedbe mobilne aplikacije za postavljanje in igranje športnih stav
Authors:ID Faganel, Armand (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Lačen, Žiga (Author)
Files:.pdf Ziga_Lacen.pdf (971,68 KB)
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Pametni mobilni telefoni so v zadnjih letih ljudem olajšali urejanje mnogih vsakodnevnih opravil. Ker nam nudijo pomoč in podporo praktično na vseh področjih, nas povezujejo in zabavajo na različne načine, so postali medij prihodnosti oziroma sedanjosti. Veliko podjetij se zato odloči, da svoje izdelke in storitve prilagodi uporabi na mobilnih telefonih, saj si tako zelo povečajo svojo poslovno uspešnost. Na tem temelji tudi poslovna ideja o mobilni aplikaciji, ki bi ponujala uporabnikom eno najbolj popularnih vrst iger na srečo, športne stave. Za vsako poslovno idejo je pomembno, da se jo pred implementacijo dodobra analizira v obliki poslovnega načrta, saj se le tako lahko izognemo težavam in preprekam, ki nas čakajo pri vstopu na lastno podjetniško pot. V ta namen smo preučili tudi potencialni trg in njegovo okolje. Da bi natančno preverili lastno podjetniško idejo, smo v diplomski nalogi analizirali domačo in tujo strokovno literaturo, analizirali smo trg z analizo izvedljivosti, SWOT analizo ter PESTN analizo ter uporabili metodo spletnega anketiranja. Dobljene rezultate smo predstavili v okviru deskriptivne statistike, ki smo jo naredili s pomočjo programa MS Excel. Koncept aplikacije smo naredili v računalniškem programu Balsamiq Mockups 3. Po opravljenih analizah smo ugotovili, da je poslovna ideja med anketiranimi dobro sprejeta, vendar zelo težko izvedljiva.
Keywords:Igre na srečo, športne stave, mobilna aplikacija, analiza trga, poslovni načrt
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-3271-d08e4416-6b65-bb42-752d-f771bb41baf0 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4919803 New window
Publication date in RUNG:25.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Design, feasibility and introduction analysis of a mobile application for sports bet placing and betting, Žiga Lačen, Armand Faganel, Nova Gorica, 2017
Abstract:Smart mobile phones have made people easier to handle many everyday tasks in recent years. As they offer us help and support practically in every field, they connect us and entertain us in different ways, they became the medium of future and of present. Many companies therefore choose to adapt their products and services to their use on mobile phones, as this greatly increases their business performance. Our business idea is based on a mobile application that would offer users one of the most popular types of gambling, sports betting. For every business idea it is important that it is well analyzed before the implementation in the form of a business plan, as this is the only way to avoid the difficulties and obstacles that await us when entering our own business path. To this end, we analysed the potential market and market environment. In order to accurately verify our own entrepreneurial idea, we analyzed domestic and foreign professional literature, analyzed the market with feasibility analysis, SWOT analysis and PESTN analysis, and used the method of online survey. The results are presented in the framework of descriptive statistics, using the MS Excel program. The concept of the application was prepared in the computer program Balsamiq Mockups 3. After the analyzes, we found that the business idea is well accepted among the respondents, but very difficult to implement.
Keywords:Gambling, sports betting, mobile application, market analysis, business plan
