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Title:Okolju prijazna sinteza metanola s hidrogeniranjem ogljikovega dioksida preko trikomponentnih katalizatorjev
Authors:ID Likozar, Blaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Cankar, Teja (Author)
Files:.pdf Teja_Cankar.pdf (5,84 MB)
MD5: F632058ABEF87A729F4B8BEC3680BBAA
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZO - Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Abstract:Zaradi naraščanja koncentracije CO2 v ozračju in njenega negativnega vpliva na okolje, se išče načine, s katerimi bi to koncentracijo zmanjšali. Ena izmed možnosti je direktna hidrogenacija atmosferskega CO2 do metanola, s čimer bi CO2 uporabili kot surovino, hkrati pa pridobili metanol, ki je uporabna kemikalija. Ta proces zahteva uporabo učinkovitega in stabilnega katalizatorja ter optimalne reakcijske pogoje. V tem raziskovalnem delu smo s katalitičnimi testi proučevali vpliv reakcijskih pogojev, različnih komponent katalizatorja in sinteznih metod na učinkovitost katalizatorjev za sintezo metanola. Kot optimalna temperatura in tlak sta se izkazala območja od 220 do 240 °C in od 40 do 50 barov, kjer je reakcija dovolj hitra, hkrati pa še ni bistveno termodinamsko zavrta, in pride do zadostne količine sintetiziranega metanola. Kot najbolj učinkovito molsko razmerje plinov se je izkazalo H2 : CO2 = 3 : 1 in kot najbolj učinkovita plinska urna prostorska hitrost 6000 h-1. To sta pogoja, kjer je količina sintetiziranega metanola zadosti velika ob sprejemljivi porabi reaktantov. Kot najbolj učinkovit katalizator se je izkazal komercialno uporabljen HiFUEL®, dobre lastnosti pa sta pokazala tudi CuO/MgO/Al2O3 in CuO/ZnO/CeO2. CuO/MgO/Al2O3 katalizator je dobro aktiven v širšem temperaturnem območju (220–260 °C), njegova aktivnost je okoli 0,6 molCH3OH•l-1•h-1. Prednost CuO/ZnO/CeO2 katalizatorja pa je izredno visoka selektivnost, in sicer pri 220 °C približno 65 %.
Keywords:hidrogenacija CO2, sinteza metanola, učinkovitost katalizatorjev, reakcijski pogoji, različna sestava katalizatorjev
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-3334-72cdd88b-1752-e9fe-19de-2b1845bf0f41 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4957691 New window
Publication date in RUNG:17.11.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Environmentally friendly synthesis of methanol by hydrogenation of carbon dioxide through ternary catalysts
Abstract:Due to increasing concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere and its negative impact on the environment, it is necessary to find ways how to reduce it. One possibility is direct hydrogenation of atmospheric CO2 to methanol, where CO2 is used as a raw material, and at the same time methanol, as a usable chemical, is produced. This process requires the use of an efficient and stable catalyst and also optimal reaction conditions. In this research work, the influences of reaction conditions, different catalyst components and synthesis methods on the catalyst efficiency for the synthesis of methanol were examined by catalytic tests. The best temperature and pressure ranges were proven from 220 to 240 °C and from 40 to 50 bar, where the reaction is sufficiently rapid and not yet significantly thermodynamically stopped, so a sufficient amount of methanol is produced. The most effective gas hourly space velocity was proven to be 6000 h-1 and the best molar ratio H2 : CO2 = 3 : 1. Those are conditions where the amount of synthetized methanol is sufficiently high at acceptable reactant consumption. As the most efficient catalyst was proven commercially used HiFUEL®, but good properties have been also shown by CuO/MgO/Al2O3 and CuO/ZnO/CeO2 catalysts. The CuO/MgO/Al2O3 catalyst is well active in a wide temperature range (220–260 °C), where its activity is about 0,6 molCH3OH•l-1•h-1. On the other hand, the advantage of the CuO/ZnO/CeO2 catalyst is extremely high selectivity, namely at 220 °C about 65 %.
Keywords:hydrogenation of CO2, methanol synthesis, catalyst efficiency, reaction conditions, different catalysts composition
