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Title:Vpeljevanje sprememb v procese izbranega podjetja z analizo in predlogi izboljšav
Authors:ID Lesjak, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Krznar, Monika (Author)
Files:.pdf Monika_Krznar.pdf (1,31 MB)
MD5: 24AF7E4EC3F3F1B3F9356EF1236E6A23
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Naša motivacija za diplomsko je bila želja po optimizaciji poteka dela v razvojno-raziskovalnem oddelku in oddelku tehnologije v izbranem podjetju, katerega osnovna dejavnost je pretežno projektno organizirana. Namen diplomskega dela je dvigniti učinkovitost delovnega procesa tako, da se izpostavi potencialne moteče dejavnike, ki upočasnjujejo izvajanje delovnega procesa, zavirajo nadaljnji napredek v podjetju in podati predloge o izboljšavah. V prvem delu diplomskega dela smo predstavili teoretične vidike organizacije, organizacijske strukture in povezav znotraj organizacije. Uvedba sprememb in izboljšav v podjetjih ni smiselna brez predhodnega razumevanja organizacije. Zaradi vpeljevanja sprememb na vseh ravneh podjetja, se je njihove vpeljave potrebno lotiti na pravi način, saj obstaja tveganje, da zaradi napačnega pristopa sprememba prinese več težav kot koristi. Mnenja smo, da je najbolj smotrno vpeljavo sprememb obravnavati kot projekte, zato smo del diplomskega dela namenili predstavitvi projektnega managementa. V praktičnem delu diplomskega dela smo izvedli raziskavo potencialnih motenj delovnega procesa v izbranem podjetju. Pri raziskovanju smo zbrali podatke pretežno s pomočjo anketiranja zaposlenih v podjetju. Informacije pridobljene z raziskavo smo analizirali in na podlagi rezultatov strukturirali ter predlagali možne spremembe predvsem na področju komunikacije in organizacijske kulture ter organizacijske strukture. Le-te naj bi omogočile manj ovirano delovanje razvojno-raziskovalnega oddelka in oddelka tehnologije ter posledično celega podjetja. Menimo, da bi predlagane spremembe rešitve ustvarile ugodnejše pogoje za poslovanje podjetja, podjetje pa bi s primerno uvedbo le-teh vzpostavilo bolj tekoč delovni proces.
Keywords:Motnje, optimizacija, proces dela, organizacija, projektni management
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-3372-f3f3963e-15b3-00ac-c962-60af3cff15c7 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4977659 New window
Publication date in RUNG:21.12.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Introduction of Changes into Chosen Company Processes, Including Analysis and Practical Improvements
Abstract:The motivation for the thesis was a desire to optimize a working process. The optimization was considered for the research and development department (R&D) and the department of technology in a chosen company with mostly project oriented activities. The purpose of this thesis is to increase the efficiency of working process by exposing potential interfering factors in the execution of working processes that also slow down further progress within the company and also to suggest improvements. The first part presents various theoretical aspects of organization, organizational structure and connections within an organization. The implementation of changes is not sensible without first understanding the principles of organization itself. The right approach to implementing changes on many organizational levels within the company is crucial due to the possibility of additional problems, brought on by improper introduction of changes. One sensible way of introducing changes is to treat them as projects; therefore a chapter in this thesis is dedicated to project management. The practical part of the thesis focuses on examining potential interferences of working process in chosen company. The information was mostly collected with the help of company employees who participated in a survey. Collected information was analyzed and possible changes were constructed and put forward based on the results. Suggestions focus on improving communication, organizational culture and organizational structure. Changes could lead to smoother work processes in the R&D department and the department of technology, as well as throughout the entire company. It is our opinion that the presented changes would improve the conditions for company's operations. The company could set up more a fluent work process with an appropriate introduction of the suggested changes.
Keywords:Interferences, optimization, work process, organization, project management
