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Authors:ID Mihurko, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Šuligoj, Neža (Author)
Files:.pdf Neza_Suligoj.pdf (1,48 MB)
MD5: 87089A6362D7BDD2E82AD40C7AF4B7DD
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FH - Faculty of Humanities
Abstract:V diplomski nalogi sem predstavila podobo pisatelja Cirila Kosmača, ki sem jo sestavila iz avtorjevih avtobiografskih del, literarnozgodovinskih pregledov, študij in spominov njegovih sodobnikov in sodobnic. Veliko njegove literature je avtobiografske, torej je v mnogih njegovih delih literarna oseba pisateljev alter ego. Iz Kosmačevih besedil si lahko torej ustvarimo tudi podobo o pisatelju. Vendar je to literarizirana podoba, ki jo je potrebno razumeti kot del upovedanega sveta, na kar so opozorile tudi literarne zgodovinarke in zgodovinarji. Po drugi strani obstaja kar nekaj spominskih zapisov o Kosmaču, ki so jih prispevali njegovi sodobniki in sodobnice. Med literarnimi besedili in spominskimi zapisi sem odkrila podobnosti v prikazovanju pisateljeve osebnosti. Diplomska naloga je razdeljena na pet poglavij, začne se z razlago avtorjevega življenja. Drugo poglavje opisuje avtobiografijo in avtobiografskost v Kosmačevih delih ter njegov opus, v tretjem poglavju je opisana osebnost Cirila Kosmača v literarni zgodovini, v četrtem poglavju je sestavljena osebnost iz avtorjevih del, v zadnjem poglavju pa so zbrani spomini na pisatelja. Za tem sledijo še ugotovitve.
Keywords:Ciril Kosmač, pisatelj, avtobiografija, osebnost, literarna zgodovina.
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-3428-c7efc653-d3c9-cd87-eae1-b11cdfe45301 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5016059 New window
Publication date in RUNG:25.01.2018
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Secondary language

Abstract:In the graduation thesis, I presented the personality of writer Ciril Kosmač, which I compiled from the authors’ autobiographical works, literary historical reviews, studies and memories of his contemporaries and contemporaries. A lot of his literature is autobiographical, therefore in many of his works literary person is writer’s alter ego. From Kosmač’s texts, we can create an image of the writer. However, this is a literary image that needs to be understood as part of the proclaimed world, which was also pointed out by literary historians. On the other hand, there are quite a few memorable records about Kosmač, which were contributed by his contemporaries. Among the literary texts and memorials I discovered the similarities in the display of the writer’s personality. The graduation thesis is divided into five chapters, starting with the explanation of the author’s life. The second chapter describes the autobiography and autobiography in Kosmač’s works and his opus, the third chapter describes the personality of Ciril Kosmač in literary history, the fourth chapter consists of a personality from the author’s works, and in the final chapter are the memories of the writer.
Keywords:Ciril Kosmač, writer, autobiography, personality, literary history.
