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Title:Odpadki druge generacije - po stopinjah nekega punka : Nastanek avtorskega dokumentarnega filma
Authors:ID Hribernik, Jasna (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Danial, Dunja (Author)
Files:.pdf Dunja_Danial.pdf (1,72 MB)
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Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:AU - School of Arts
Abstract:Teoretični del magistrske naloge je posvečen nastanku praktičnega magistrskega projekta, dokumentarnega filma Odpadki druge generacije – po stopinjah nekega punka. Naloga je sestavljena iz dveh sklopov. V prvem delu je vzpostavljen teoretskozgodovinski kontekst, v katerem je nastajal moj film – vse od začetka dokumentarnega filma pa do danes. Na kratko je predstavljen nastanek in razvoj dokumentarizma, osnovne značilnosti sodobnega dokumentarnega filma in njegove zvrsti, ki so relevantne za ta praktični projekt, s poudarkom na punku v glasbenem dokumentarcu. Povzeti so najbolj uveljavljeni načini klasifikacije dokumentarnih filmov glede na kategorijo in način reprezentacije, ki so postavili temelje, na katere se zanašajo avtorji in gledalci. Drugi del opisuje nastajanje avtorskega dokumentarnega projekta skozi vse faze: predprodukcijo, produkcijo, poprodukcijo, promocijo, distribucijo in prikazovanje, od ideje, raziskave, strukturiranja zgodbe, priprave scenarija, iskanja arhivskega foto- in videogradiva, priprav na snemanje filma in samo snemanje pa vse do montaže, izbora glasbe ter končnega oblikovanja slike in zvoka. Zaključen je s kritično refleksijo lastnega dela, ki bodoče avtorje lahko opozori na nekatere pasti, v katere se začetniki v svetu filma zlahka ujamejo.
Keywords:dokumentarni film, predprodukcija, produkcija, poprodukcija, glasba, zgodovina, dokumentarno, punk, do-it-yourself, Slovenija
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-3525-9256ccdf-71e0-4afb-2cad-775447bcd4cb New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4985339 New window
Publication date in RUNG:12.01.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Rejects of the Second Generation - Following the Traces of Punk : Making of author documentary film
Abstract:The theoretical part of the master’s thesis is dedicated to the creation of a practical master’s thesis project, a documentary film called Rejects of the Second Generation – Following the Traces of Punk. The thesis consists of two parts. In the first part, the theoretical and historical context in which my film was created is established, from the beginning of the documentary film to today. The creation and development of documentaries, the main characteristics of contemporary documentary film and the genres that are relevant to the practical project, with an emphasis on punk in music documentaries, are then presented in brief. Also presented are the most well-established means of classifying documentary films according to category and the mode of representation that set up the foundation that creators and viewers rely on. The second part describes the creation of my documentary project through all the phases: pre-production, production, post-production, promotion, distribution and screening, from the concept, research, structuring of the story, preparing the screen play, searching for archived photo and video material, preparing for shooting and the shooting itself, all the way to editing, music selection and the final audio and video designing. It concludes with a critical reflection on my own work that can bring to future creators’ attention some of the pitfalls that novices in the world of film can easily experience.
Keywords:documentary film, pre-production, production, post-production, music, history, documentary, punk, do-it-yourself, Slovenia
