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Title:Uvedba programa usposabljanja udeležencev za obvladovanje procesov poslovne logistike
Authors:ID Grgič, Stojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Battistel, Eva (Author)
Files:.pdf Eva_Battistel.pdf (1,39 MB)
MD5: CE64C94144DBFEC4D0957EC5F9BD1293
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Dandanes imajo organizacije vedno večjo potrebo po hitrem usposabljanju svojih delavcev s čim manjšimi stroški. Namen diplomskega dela je predlagati postopek za dvig učinkovitosti usposabljanja delavcev v podjetjih z uporabo novih tehnologij e-učenja. Konkretni cilj dela je bil pripraviti načrt izobraževanja za delavce v skladišču ter njegovo preizkusno izvedbo v obliki poslovno logističnih tečajev. Pomembni element pristopa v e-učilnici je uporaba metode igrifikacije, kar pomeni uporabo elementov igre v procesu učenja. Preizkusno smo izvedli dva dvourna tečaja v izbranem podjetju, v katera so bili vključeni trije delavci. Za izvedbo tečajev smo uporabili sistem Moodle, ki je priljubljeno orodje za e-učenje in je enostavno za uporabo. Izkazalo se je, da orodje prispeva tudi k dvigu motivacije za učenje, zato smo predlagali nadaljnje testiranje na širši skupini uporabnikov z različnimi vsebinami. Ena od pomembnih ugotovitev tega dela je, da je e-učenje predvsem zelo primerno za novo-zaposlene delavce, saj na učinkovit način približa potrebe podjetnikov in potreb delavcev po uvajanju in izpopolnjevanju. Pri tem se bistveno prihrani čas in posledično stroški uvajanja. Dodana vrednost se kaže tudi v večjem zadovoljstvu uporabnikov in njihovi večji motiviranosti za učenje.
Keywords:Izobraževanje, usposabljanje, e-učenje, igrifikacija, infrastruktura
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-3918-2c7b71f3-74a1-4b3c-2c85-51704087da74 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5177595 New window
Publication date in RUNG:17.07.2018
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Title:Introduction of a training program for participants in the management of business logistics processes
Abstract:Nowadays, companies have a growing need for continuous training of their employees at the lowest cost. The purpose of the thesis is to raise the efficiency of training in companies by using new e-learning technologies. The specific objective of the work is to prepare a training plan for warehouse operators and to test its efficacy in the form of business logistics courses. An important element of the elearning approach is the use of the gamification method, which means the use of game elements in the learning process. Two two-hour courses were realized in a selected company, where three members of the staff took part. We used the Moodle system, which is a popular and easy to use e-learning tool. The experimental use of a Moodle infrastructure showed its effectiveness and impact on increased motivation for learning. We suggested further testing on a larger group of employees and with an extended content. One of the important findings of this work is that e-learning is particularly suitable for new employees, as it effectively matches the needs of businessperson and the needs of workers after their introduction into the company processes. Such an approach saves time and, consequently, resources. Added value is also reflected in greater user satisfaction and greater motivation for learning.
Keywords:Education, training, e-learning, gamification, infrastructure
