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Title:The Experience of Exile and Home in Connection with the Self-Understanding of the Poet in the Poetry by Tomaž Šalamun
Authors:ID Eniko, Mateja, UNG (Author)
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Work type:Not categorized
Typology:1.08 - Published Scientific Conference Contribution
Organization:UNG - University of Nova Gorica
Abstract:For the poetic creation of Tomaž Šalamun, one of the most important Slovenian modernist poets, the experience of staying abroad was crucial. This was his voluntary and conscious decision. Referring to Said, it was his choice to give force to his creativity. Šalamun’s necessity to go out of home borders is closely connected with his understanding of the role of the poet. In his poetry, exile is represented as experience that allows him to establish himself as a poet, gives him the power to create and to step out of the conventional frameworks. The motive of living abroad is presented in a tense relation to home (both in terms of intimacy and socio-political space). Starting from Bakhtin's theory of dialogism, the poet’s self-understanding of himself and his home is closely linked to the relationship with the other.
Keywords:Slovenian modernist poetry, Tomaž Šalamun, experience of voluntary exile, motive of home, poetic self-reflection
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-3923-2d2a1723-6a7b-7afa-f37e-933989df75f7 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5149179 New window
Publication date in RUNG:09.05.2018
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Record is a part of a monograph

Title:Slovanský literární svět: kontexty a konfrontace. III, Motiv domova ve slovanských literaturách
Place of publishing:Brno
Year of publishing:2017
