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Authors:ID Podjed, Dan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Novak Tušar, Nataša (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Gerbec, Boštjan (Author)
Files:.pdf Bostjan_Gerbec.pdf (1,96 MB)
MD5: E947A0D0FF943608C07260D191962DBF
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:V magistrskem delu smo obravnavali problematiko zavržene hrane v Slovenji ter širše. V Sloveniji vsako leto zavržemo 73 kilogramov hrane na prebivalca, podatki zadnjih let pa kažejo na naraščanje teh količin. Polovico zavržene hrane ustvarijo gospodinjstva. Ker je hrana nepogrešljiva za življenje, veliko ljudi pa živi v pomankanju, je takšno stanje zaskrbljujoče in nas kot družbo ne prikazuje v najboljši luči. Pri razumevanju problema in pri iskanju rešitev smo poleg pregleda zakonodaje in znanstvene literature izvedeli tudi raziskavo na primeru mlečnih izdelkov. Uporabili smo tri raziskovalne pristope: anketo, intervju ter eksperiment s preizkusom izdelka. Ugotovili smo, da je literatura v večini dostopna le v obliki znanstvenih člankov in študij, prav tako še do nedavnega ni bilo sistematičnega zbiranja in vodenja evidenc o količinah zavržene hrane. V nalogi smo predlagali ukrepe in načine, kako bi lahko zmanjšali količino zavržene hrane, in izpostavili velik pomen tega, da vsak posameznik začne pri sebi. Ustrezno je treba nakupovati hrano, planirati obroke ter hrano tudi pravilno shranjevati. V nalogi smo tudi predstavili različne primere dobrih praks, ki prav tako pomagajo zmanjševati količino zavržene hrane, bodisi v Sloveniji bodisi v tujini. V nalogi smo potrdili hipotezo, ki smo jo izpostavili na začetku, da se lahko količina zavržene hrane v Slovenji zmanjša. Potrošniki lahko na to neposredno vplivamo v domačih gospodinjstvih. S spremembami nakupovalnih navad pa lahko v določeni meri vplivamo tudi na trgovce in na njihovo ponudbo živil. Na problem hrane, ki se izgublja v proizvodnem in distribucijskem delu življenjskega cikla, pa v širšem smislu lahko vplivajo tako vlade vseh držav kot tudi mednarodna skupnost.
Keywords:zavržena hrana, zakonodaja, gospodinjstva, primer zavrženih mlečnih izdelkov, zmanjševanje odpadne hrane z ozaveščanjem, zmanjševanje odpadne hrane z državnimi politikami
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-3926-1cf58e4d-ce06-b3c7-0a2e-06afe20f36de New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5221627 New window
Publication date in RUNG:14.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Possibilities of reducing food waste in Slovenia: case study of dairy products
Abstract:The problem of food waste in Slovenia and abroad is discussed in this master's thesis. Every year, 73 kilograms of food per capita is wasted in Slovenia, and the data that have been obtained in the recent years indicate an increase in these quantities. Half of food waste is generated by households. Food is essential for living; however, many people live in poverty and this disturbing fact simultaneously does not portray our society to one’s best advantage. In understanding the problem and finding solutions, a survey on the case of dairy products was implemented in addition to reviewing legislation and scientific literature. Three research approaches were used: a survey, an interview and an experiment conducted by testing the product. It was established that literature is mostly accessible only in the form of scientific articles and studies, and until recently there was no systematic collection and recordkeeping of food waste quantities. In the master's thesis, measures and ways on how to reduce the amount of food waste were given, and it was highlighted that each individual must start with himself. Food needs to be bought accordingly to one’s needs, meals need to be planned and food should be properly stored. At the same time, various examples of good practice are presented in this thesis, which also help reduce the amount of food waste, either in Slovenia or abroad. The hypothesis that the quantity of food waste in Slovenia can be reduced was confirmed. We as consumers can directly influence this in our households. By changing shopping habits we can, to a certain extent, also affect traders and their food supply. The problem of food that is lost in the production and distribution part of the life cycle can be, in the wider sense, influenced by governments of all countries as well as the international community.
Keywords:Food waste, legislation, households, case study of dairy products waste, reducing food waste by raising public awareness, reducing food waste with state politics
