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Title:Vrednotenje in izbira merilnih sistemov v avtomobilski industriji
Authors:ID Bohanec, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Ivančič, Matevž (Author)
Files:.pdf Matevz_Ivancic.pdf (2,34 MB)
MD5: 9B4B92F85C411AE1E070FAC17E0FFC5D
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:V magistrskem delu smo obravnavali vrednotenje in izbiro merilnih sistemov v avtomobilski industriji. Uporaba merilnih sistemov se nanaša na kontrolo premerov lukenj na komutatorjih, ki so eden izmed elementov električnih motorjev. Kontrola premerov lukenj je pomembna faza proizvodnega procesa, saj s tem preprečimo dobavo neustreznih proizvodov. Odločitveni problem se nanaša na izbor najprimernejšega merilnega sistema, kjer izbiramo med štirimi merilnimi sistemi: ročno kontrolo s kontrolnikom Gre/Ne gre, avtomatsko kontrolo s trnom Gre/Ne gre, avtomatsko kontrolo s trnom Gre/Gre s silo in vzporednim merjenjem sile ter avtomatsko kontrolo s kroglico. Vrednotenje in izbor poteka z uporabo večparametrske metode DEX, pri kateri smo za merilni sistem določili ekonomske, tehnološke in kakovostne kriterije ter jih vključili v model za vse štiri merilne sisteme. Po korakih, ki jih določajo metode večparametrskega vrednotenja, smo izdelali celoten model ter z njim ovrednotili in analizirali merilne sisteme. Analize so obsegale analizo ±1, analizo kaj-če ter analizo prednosti in slabosti. Končni rezultat je predlog najprimernejšega merilnega sistema, to je avtomatski merilni sistem s trnom Gre/Gre s silo in vzporednim merjenjem sile.
Keywords:komutator, premer luknje komutatorja, merilni sistem, odločitveni model, večparametrsko odločanje, metoda DEX, program DEXi
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-4039-9cfc1e9c-5ada-3336-7d17-f236c3ca27d8 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5221883 New window
Publication date in RUNG:03.10.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Evaluation and selection of measurement systems in the automotive industry
Abstract:This master's thesis discusses the evaluation and selection of measuring systems in the automotive industry. The use of measuring systems refers to the inspection of commutator bore diameter as one of the elements of electric motors. The inspection of bore diameter is an important phase in the production process preventing the supply of non-conforming products. The decision problem refers to the selection of the most suitable measuring system, where we choose among the following four measuring systems: manual inspection with Go/No go gauge, automatic inspection with Go/No go gauge, automatic inspection with Go/Go gauge by using force and parallel force measurement, and automatic inspection by using a ball. The evaluation and the selection were carried out with the DEX method, a multi-criteria decision method, in which we considered economic, technological and quality criteria for all four measuring systems. Following the steps determined by the methods of multi-attribute evaluation, we developed the entire model and used it for the evaluation and analysis of the measurement systems. The analyses comprised the ±1 analysis, the what-if analysis and the strengths and weaknesses analysis. As a conclusion, we proposed the most optimal measuring system, i.e. the automatic measuring system with the Go/Go gauge by using force and parallel force measurement.
Keywords:Commutator, commutator bore diameter, measuring system, decision models, multi-attribute decision, DEX method, DEXi program
