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Title:Nadgradnja mentorskega stila vodenja na poti do višje stopnje odličnosti
Authors:ID Dumančić, Tomica (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Trajanov, Aneta (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Ferfoglia, Peter (Author)
Files:.pdf Peter_Ferfoglia.pdf (1,97 MB)
MD5: 3EC91957BD5FEDA54F3705E67B62C258
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti, kako doraščajoči s svojim inovativnim in nevsakdanjim pogledom doživljajo svoje življenje za pridobivanje kompetenc uspešnega vodenja, organizacije, nadziranja in motiviranja tako samostojnega kot tudi skupinskega dela ter ali in kako nas s svojim pogledom ter ob vstopu v podjetje/organizacijo lahko usmerijo v prihodnost s svojo inovativnostjo in kreativnostjo. Le priložnost jim moramo dati in jih ne smemo vklepati v obstoječa pravila igre. Glavni rezultat dela je anketa, ki smo jo pripravili za vzorčno populacijo odraščajočih mladih in jo analizirali in obdelali s podatkovnim rudarjenjem. Rezultate smo primerjali z vsesplošnimi pravili managementa in primeri dobre prakse, kjer je naš cilj preveriti, ali lahko z novimi spoznanji nadgradimo temeljne značilnosti mentorskega stila vodenja za doseganje višje stopnje odličnosti podjetniških timov in timskega dela nasploh. Ugotovili smo, da sta podatkovno rudarjenje in umetna inteligenca mentorskemu managerju zelo v korist. S temi metodami in z vodenjem obogatenim s čustveno inteligenco in s polno odprtostjo v kreativnost lahko mentorski vodja prinaša novega zagona k odličnosti.
Keywords:mentorski stil vodenja, podatkovno rudarjenje, komunikacija, čustvena inteligenca
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-4058-e6e46671-2ded-8e5c-c488-b2635953a730 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5235707 New window
Publication date in RUNG:01.10.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Upgrading the mentoring style of leadership for better performance
Abstract:Purpose of the diploma thesis is to determine how young people who are growing up, with their innovative and unusual views, experience their life for acquiring competencies of successful management, organization, supervision and motivation in both individual and teamwork, and whether and how they can with their views when entering a company/organization guide us into the future with their innovativeness and creativity. We only have to give them an opportunity and not force them into the existing rules. The main result of the work is the survey for the sample population of adolescent youth, which we analyzed and processed with data mining. We compared the results with general rules of management and examples of good practice, where our goal is to verify whether we can apply new knowledge to upgrade basic characteristics of mentoring management style in order to achieve a higher degree of excellence in entrepreneurial teams and teamwork in general. We found that data mining and artificial intelligence are very useful for mentor manager. With these methods and with the management enriched with emotional intelligence and with full openness into the creativity, the mentor leader can bring a new power to the excellence.
Keywords:mentoring management style, data mining, communication, emotional intelligence
