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Authors:ID Sila, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Klinec, Vanesa (Author)
Files:.pdf Vanesa_Klinec.pdf (1,86 MB)
MD5: 81BDD40896687FA3DE29817D11B7535C
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:VŠVV - College of Viticulture and Enology
Abstract:Vitis vinifera L. cv 'Rebula' je najpomembnejša sorta za pridelavo vina v vinorodnem okolišu Goriška brda (tudi Brda). Je del bogate zgodovinske in kulturne dediščine ter velja za sinonim Brd. Ker postaja 'Rebula' zanimiva tudi izven meja Goriških brd, so se briški pridelovalci vina, skupaj s Konzorcijem Brda, odločili za zaščito vina sorte 'Rebula' z oznako PTP. Poleg tega se zadnje čase vedno bolj uveljavlja generična predstavitev sorte 'Rebula' pod skupnimi blagovnimi znamkami, ki so pomembne za povečanje prepoznavnosti tako sorte kot tudi teritorija pridelovanja. V diplomski nalogi smo opisali sorto 'Rebula'; značilnosti vinske trte in vina, njeno zgodovinsko pot ter predstavili pridelavo vina danes. Osredotočili smo se tudi na pomembnost te sorte za Goriška brda, v smislu promocije sorte in teritorija. Drugi del diplomske naloge zajema marketinško raziskavo in pregled situacije na vinskem trgu, pri čemer smo izvedli spletno anketiranje med potrošniki vina. Na podlagi teoretičnih osnov in rezultatov marketinške raziskave smo zasnovali marketinški načrt. Podani so tudi ukrepi in priporočila, ki so pomembni pri uspešni predstavitvi sorte 'Rebula' širši publiki.
Keywords:sorta 'Rebula', Goriška brda, geografska zaščita vina, blagovna znamka, promocija
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-4092-3c4408b3-9e39-b0d6-465f-65c4833a471b New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5234683 New window
Publication date in RUNG:27.09.2018
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Secondary language

Abstract:Vitis vinifera L. cv 'Rebula' is the most important grape and wine variety in Goriška brda winegrowing district (also known as Brda). It is part of the rich historical and cultural heritage and valids for synonym of Brda. Due to the increasing interest in 'Rebula' beyond the borders of Goriška brda, the winegrowers together with Konzorcij Brda (local society of winegrowers and winemakers) decided to apply for the protection of the wine from 'Rebula' variety with the PTP (recognised traditional denomination) indication. In addition, the generic presentation of 'Rebula' under the common brands, which is important for an increased recognition of the variety as well as of the production territory, is recently gaining ground. In the diploma thesis we have described the 'Rebula' variety: the characteristics of the vine and wine, its historical path through the territory of Brda, and presented today's wine production. We have also focused on the importance of the mentioned variety for Goriška brda, in terms of promoting the variety and territory. The second part of the thesis is the market research and a review of the situation in the wine market. For evaluation we conducted an online survey among the wine consumers. On the basis of theoretical foundations and the results of marketing research, we have developed a marketing plan and recommendations, which are important for successful presentation of 'Rebula' to the general public.
Keywords:'Rebula' variety, Goriška brda, geographical wine protection, brand, promotion
