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Title:Post Colonial Dilettantes : The Aesthetics Of Anti-Imperialism
Authors:ID Burger, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Dolmark, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Sharma, Rajat (Author)
Files:.pdf Rajat_Sharma.pdf (4,58 MB)
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MD5: 69611DC8DB32ED915539C07CC1F5E7C7
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:VŠU - School of Arts
Abstract:The thesis begins a discourse into a need of an Indian film theory by exploring and analysing the plenitude of relevant western theories. In order to do so it lays down certain concrete relationships between ideologies, terminologies and their effect; as in what exactly post colonial means, why it is important to understand the impact of colonisation on culture and thus on one of the most mass consumed medium in India; films. The thesis explores the depths and complexity of the relationship of these two and the other influences that sprout from it for example the intensity of colonisation as a cultural project and its influence on the social reality of the people, artists, thinkers (and in our case specifically filmmakers) , who in turn reflect on this culture through various mediums including films. The thesis examines the western plethora of film theory in order to accentuate the contrast between film and cinema in the west and east and thus the subsequent need to bring forth a new ‘Eastern Film theory’.
Keywords:Post Colonialism, Cultural genocide, Cinematic Apparatus, Baudry, Political cinema, Brecht, Counter Cinema, Feminist film theory, Laura Mulvey, Douchet, Lacan, Anti Imperialism, Third Cinema, Solanas and Getino, Third Manifesto, Indian Cinema, Satyajit Ray, Consumerism
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-4244-a58f5ffc-15b2-2e0d-5f2d-5b8d134d75a6 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5269755 New window
Publication date in RUNG:19.11.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Postkolonialni diletanti : Estetika anti-imperializma
Abstract:Magistrska naloga odpira razpravo o potrebi po indijski filmski teoriji, z raziskavo in obravnavo izobilnih relevantnih zahodnih teorij. Magistrska naloga predstavi konkreten odnos med ideologijami, terminologijami in njihovimi rezultati; kot na primer: kaj pomeni postkolonializem, zakaj je pomembno razumeti vpliv kolonizacije na kulturo in s tem na enega izmed najbolj masovnih medijev Indije: film. Magistrsko delo raziskuje podrobnosti in zapletenost odnosa teh dveh ter drugih vplivov, ki izhajajo iz tega, kot so intenzivnost kolonizacije kot kulturnega projekta in vpliv prav te, na družbeno stvarnost ljudi, umetnikov in mislecev (ter v našem primeru, še posebej filmskih ustvarjalcev), ki v zameno razmišljajo o tej kulturi skozi raznovrstne medije, vključno s filmi. Magistrska naloga preučuje obsežnost teorije zahodnega filma, ter s tem poudarja kontrast med filmom in filmsko industrijo na zahodu in vzhodu in s tem posledično potrebo po ustvarjanju nove "teorije vzhodnega filma”.
Keywords:Postkolonijalizem, kulturni genocid, filmski apparatus, Baudry, politični film, Brecht, ‘Counter Cinema’, feministična filmska teorija, Laura Mulvey, Douchet, Lacan, anti imperijalizem, ‘Third Cinema’, Solanas in Getino, ‘Third Manifesto’, indijski film, Satyajit Ray, potrošništvo
