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Title:Lik intelektualke v slovenski književnosti do druge svetovne vojne
Authors:ID Mihurko, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Pogačar, Urša (Author)
Files:.pdf Ursa_Pogacar.pdf (682,77 KB)
MD5: 0B32EF3973108904CF35CE706DC6632C
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FH - Faculty of Humanities
Abstract:Diplomsko delo preučuje literarna besedila slovenskih avtoric in avtorjev, ki na mesto glavnih književnih likov postavljajo žensko, ki ne nastopa več v svoji tradicionalni vlogi (žena/mati/ljubica), temveč predstavlja novo družbeno vlogo (izobraženka/intelektualka). V zadnjem desetletju 19. stoletja in v obdobju do 2. svetovne vojne so slovenske pisateljice v svojih literarnih besedilih predstavile nov književni lik v slovenski literaturi – lik intelektualke. Predstavile so like žensk z intelektualnimi ambicijami, ki si z izobrazbo pridobijo poklic, s katerim vstopijo v javno sfero življenja. Zaposlujejo se na področju šolstva (študentke, učiteljice), umetnosti (pisateljice, glasbenice) in naravoslovja (znanstvenice, inženirke). Znotraj javne sfere se soočajo z različnimi težavami: nezadovoljstvo s poklicem (neenakopravnost, celibat), odpor do domačega okolja (patriarhalna družbena ureditev), finančno pomanjkanje (necenjeno delo), razdvojenost (čustva/razum) in neuresničenost (družina/služba). Nekatere življenje spremenijo s poroko, vendar niso srečne, saj s tem pristanejo na podrejeni položaj znotraj zasebne sfere, manj je takih, ki pod težo življenja resignirajo, zbolijo ali umrejo, največ je tistih intelektualk, ki težkemu življenju in poklicu navkljub zavračajo tradicionalno vlogo ženske v družbi, si želijo enakopravnosti in znotraj težke situacije vztrajajo. Na ta način so slovenske pisateljice opozarjale na neenakovreden položaj žensk v družbi in dokazovale, da je ženski spol enakovreden moškemu ter si zasluži enake temeljne človekove pravice, to so pravica do izobrazbe, zaposlitve, plačila, politične volilne pravice. Opozarjanju na problematiko neenakovrednega položaja žensk v družbi so se pisateljicam v dvajsetih letih 20. stoletja pridružili slovenski pisatelji, tudi v njihovih besedilih se namreč pojavijo glavni ženski književni liki, ki zavzemajo novo družbeno vlogo, čeravno jih je številčno manj kot pri pisateljicah.
Keywords:slovenske pisateljice, slovenski pisatelji, Lea Fatur, Marica Nadlišek Bartol, Zofka Kveder, Marija Kmet, Marijana Kokalj Željeznova, Milena Mohorič, Silva Tdina, Stanko Majcen, France Bevk, Ivan Mrak, intelektualka, ženska družbena vloga, enakopravnost
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-4246-1528d4b8-06d5-50ff-528e-ed30b26f3766 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5290491 New window
Publication date in RUNG:12.12.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Intellectual female character in Slovenian literature until Second World War
Abstract:This Bachelor's degree examines a new female character in literature. Slovenian female and male authors stop portraying female characters only in their traditional Slovenian role (wife / mother / mistress). A new character is born as the reflection of a new female social role. New female character emerges as more educated and intellectual woman. In the last decade of the 19th century female Slovenian writers present new character in Slovenian literature – character of intellectual woman. Because of this new character's intellectual ambitions, they acquire profession which is a ticket to public sphere of life. They are employed in education (students, teachers), arts (writers, musicians) and natural sciences (scientists, engineers). New female characters encounter various problems in public sphere, they: are unsatisfied with their profession (inequality, celibacy), have resistance against home environment (patriarchate), are financially inadequate (unrecognised work produce), are torn apart (emotions / intellect) and are unfulfilled (family / job). Some of them try to change all that with marriage but are ultimately not happy because this is the way in which they accept inferior position in private sphere. A few of them totally resign (get ill or even die). Most of intellectual female characters, despite hard situation in life and at work, reject traditional female role in a society as they endure in the pursuit of equality. This is the way Slovenian female writers gave attention to unequal position of women in society and proved that females are as adequate as males and thus deserve equal fundamental human rights (right to education, employment, pay, voting). In the 20s Slovenian male writers joined their female colleagues with said cause. They also implement a new female literary character who takes position in a new social role. But male writers use this character much more rarely than female authors.
Keywords:female Slovenian literature writers, Lea Fatur, Marica Nadlišek Bartol, Zofka Kveder, Marija Kmet, Marijana Kokalj Željeznova, Milena Mohorič, Silva Tdina, Stanko Majcen, France Bevk, Ivan Mrak, intellectual woman, woman's social role, equality
