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Title:Otroci v slovenskem celovečernem filmu
Authors:ID Burger, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Dolmark, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Gobec, Mery (Author)
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Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:AU - School of Arts
Abstract:Magistrsko delo Otroci v slovenskem celovečernem filmu obravnava razvoj otroškega in mladinskega slovenskega filma. Pri tem se sprašuje predvsem, v kakšni vlogi nastopajo otroci, katere ideološke misli podajajo in na kakšen način je njihova umestitev v zgodbo indikator političnega, socialnega in družbeno-kulturnega stanja v našem prostoru. V magistrsko delo je vključen tudi kronološki pregled otroških in mladinskih filmov, ki veljajo za najpomembnejše v slovenski kinematografiji. Ugotavljam, da se je idejna sporočilnost slovenskih celovečernih filmov z otroki spreminjala glede na ustaljen politični sistem. Če so obravnavani filmi vse od 50. let dalje pogosto podajali misel o partizanskem junaštvu in pomembnosti protiokupatorskega boja (nekateri obravnavani filmi pa izražajo idejo kvarnega vpliva tujcev in drugačnih, do česar v magistrski nalogi zavzemam kritičen odnos) so v 70. in 80. letih že izražali kritično misel o tedanjem sistemu. S prihodom 80. in 90. let (in »nove dobe«) je očiten vse pogostejši vpliv ameriške pop kulture in hollywoodskega filma. Seveda ne v vseh primerih, a vendar je očitno, da se mnogi filmi tovrstnega žanra še vedno držijo manj in bolj opaznih kompleksov, ki se jih slovenski otroški in mladinski film očitno še ni uspel popolnoma znebiti.
Keywords:Otroci, otroški film, mladinski film, konstrukt otroške čistosti, individualizem, kolektivizem, družbene vrednote, humanizem, kapitalizem, socializem, izobrazba, medgeneracijski nagovor, futurizem, eskapizem v ameriško kulturo, otroci – odrasli, moški – ženska, pristno slovensko
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-4257-3e0270c1-a352-7ba7-fb34-c9eb7af9d85e New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5274107 New window
Publication date in RUNG:29.11.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Children in Slovenian feature film
Abstract:Master thesis titled Children in Slovenian feature film deals with the development of Slovenian children’s and youth films. In this context, the thesis contemplates the role played by children in Slovenian films, as well as what ideological concepts they bring up and how their involvement in a story is an indicator of the political, social and socio-cultural situation in our area. Through selected children's and youth films, the thesis chronologically determines the most important film creations for and about children of the Slovenian cinema. I establish that the communicative idea of the Slovenian feature films involving children was changing through the years depending on the established political system at the time. While the discussed films from 50s onwards oftentimes introduced the concept of partisan bravery and the importance of fighting the occupation (some of the discussed films express the idea of the corrupt influence of foreigners and those different from us, towards which I take a critical stance in my master thesis), the films in the 70s and 80s already brought up critical thinking of the then existing system. With the coming of 80s and 90s (and the “new age”), the influence of the American pop culture and Hollywood film became more and more apparent. This does not apply to all cases, of course, but it is quite evident that many films of this genre still cling onto more or less noticeable fixations that the Slovenian children’s and youth films could not get rid of completely.
Keywords:Children, children's film, youth film, construct of childhood purity, individualism, collectivism, social values, humanism, capitalism, socialism, education, intergenerational speech, futurism, escapism into American culture, children - adults, male - female, genuine Slovene
