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Title:Vpliv klasične maceracije in maceracije celega grozdja na kemijske in senzorične lastnosti vina Modri pinot
Authors:ID Antalick, Guillaume (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Lesica, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Lavrenčič, Margareta (Author)
Files:.pdf Margareta_Lavrencic.pdf (1,09 MB)
MD5: F846868A0413FA4A4F24F34FDCD393B7
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:VŠVV - College of Viticulture and Enology
Abstract:Maceracija grozdja je ključna tehnološka faza pri pridelavi rdečih vin. Na podlagi znanja, tehnologije in izkušenj ima ta tehnološki postopek velik vpliv na končno kakovost vina. V diplomski nalogi smo preučevali vpliv klasične maceracije in maceracije celega grozdja na kemijske in senzorične lastnosti vina modri pinot. Na podlagi različnih analiz smo določali: prosto žveplo, alkohol, skupne kisline, intenziteto in ton barve, skupne antociane, skupne fenole ter izvedli senzorično analizo. Rezultati našega poskusa kažejo, da maceracija celega grozdja daje vino z manjšo vsebnostjo skupnih kislin v primerjavi s klasično maceracijo. Manjša vsebnost skupnih kislin v vinu pri maceraciji s pecljevino se izraţa tudi z značilno višjim pH-jem vina. Vino maceracije s pecljevino je večji porabnik žvepla, vsebuje bistveno več skupnih fenolov in posledično imamo tudi večjo intenziteto barve, ki pa se pri vinu modri pinot izraža v večji rumeno-rjavih tonov barve. Senzorična analiza je potrdila kemijske analize barve, pokazala, da maceracija celega grozdja v osnovi daje nekoliko manj sadna vina, vendar s poudarjeno noto temnega sadja, zelenih not in začimb. Vino maceracije celega grozdja je bilo boljše sprejeto, saj je imelo prijetnejšo kislino in je bilo taninsko bolj uglajeno.
Keywords:Vino, Vitis vinifera L. 'Modri pinot', maceracija, peceljevina, kemijski parametri vina, senzorične lastnosti vina
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-4602-bb4a7c45-b90d-7f7a-9232-64cdd20eb853 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5430779 New window
Publication date in RUNG:26.07.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of classical maceration and maceration of whole grapes on the chemical and sensory properties of Pinot Noir wine
Abstract:Maceration of grapes is a key technological stage in the production of red wines. Based on knowledge, technology and experience, this technological process has a major impact on the final quality of the wine. In the diploma thesis we studied the influence of classical maceration and maceration of whole grapes on the chemical and sensory properties of Pinot Noir wine. Based on various analyzes we determined: free sulfur, alcohol, total acidity, wine intensity and color hue, total anthocyanins, total phenols and wines were also subject to sensory analyses. The results of our experiment show that the maceration of whole grapes produces wine with lower total acidity compared to classical maceration. Lower the total acidity in wines produced with maceration with stems also resulted significantly higher. Maceration stems resulted in wines with faster free SO₂ consumption higher total phenols and, in higher color intensity, which, in the case of 'Pinot Noir', is reflected in larger yellow-brown color hue. Sensory panel percived wines produced with stem maceration as preferential, due to the lower acidity and more refined, softer tannins. were less fruity with elevated perception of dark fruit, green notes and spices.
Keywords:Wine, Vitis vinifera L. 'Pinot Noir', maceration, stem, chemical parameters of wine, sensory characteristics of wine
