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Authors:ID Mihurko, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Bajc, Vesna (Author)
Files:.pdf Vesna_Bajc.pdf (432,62 KB)
MD5: 61F74D82E1C15FF5FD2223FF6A54F26E
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FH - Faculty of Humanities
Abstract:Diplomska naloga obravnava ljubezensko-erotična romana Diagram neke ljubezni in Ljubezen v f-molu avtorice Elze Budau. Na začetku diplomske naloge so razloženi pojmi, s katerimi lahko povezujemo romana: ženski roman, ljubezenski roman in trivialna literatura. V nadaljevanju naloge sem predstavila avtorico, potem sem se osredinila na analizo romanov. Analiza za vsak roman je vsebovala obnovo romana, opis glavnega ženskega lika, osredinila sem se tudi na ženske in moške vloge v romanu in na tematsko analizo vsakega romana. Za utemeljitev tem, ki sem jih odkrila v romanih, sem vključila tudi citate iz njih. Obravnavala sem tudi moški pogled na avtorico v intervjujih, ki sem jih našla. V drugem delu diplomske naloge sem primerjala roman Elze Budau Ljubezen v f-molu z romanom Strah pred letenjem ameriške pisateljice Erice Jong, ki sem jo v nadaljevanju tudi predstavila. Obravnavala sem pomen obeh romanov in namenila razdelek avtobiografskosti obeh romanov. V sklepnem delu diplomske naloge sem se še dotaknila vprašanja, ali spada roman Strah pred letenjem v trivialno književnost.
Keywords:Elza Budau, ljubezenski roman, erotični roman, trivialna književnost, Ljubezen v f-molu, Diagram neke ljubezni, Strah pred letenjem, Erica Jong, ženski roman
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-4736-dac79ce8-53ac-7305-9572-a5c849a09d58 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5454843 New window
Publication date in RUNG:26.09.2019
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Secondary language

Abstract:The thesis deals with the romance-erotic novels A diagram of some love and Love in f-mol written by Elza Budau. At the begining there are the explanations of terms which we associate with the novels: women's literature, romantic literature and popular literature. In the continuation of the work I wrote about the author, and then focused on analysis of the novels. The analysis for each novel contains the summary of the novel, the description of the main female character, the male and female role in the novel and the analysis of themes in each novel, in which I also included quotations from the novels, which serve as a justification for each recognized theme. I also decided to write about the male view on the female author based on interviews I have found. In the second part of the thesis I compared Budau's novel Ljubezen v f-molu with a novel by American author Erica Jong Fear of flying. I also wrote about the importance of the novels, about the author Erica Jong, the autobiographical characteristics of both novels and touched upon the question whether or not the novel Fear of flying is popular literature.
Keywords:Elza Budau, love literature, romance literature, erotic literature, popular literature, Love in f-mol, Diagram of some love, Fear of flying, Erica Jong, women's literature
