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Authors:ID Granda, Stane (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Stergulc, Kris (Author)
Files:.pdf Kris_Stergulc.pdf (1,05 MB)
MD5: 2333566ABE21DFA19B0001E2CD71B7EC
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FH - Faculty of Humanities
Abstract:Za razumevanje vzpona briškega vinarstva je potreben splošen vpogled nazaj v zgodovino tega specifičnega okolja. V kontekstu naloge je za razumevanje vinogradništva razložen geografski in zgodovinski pregled Goriških brd. V nadaljevanju je opisan in razložen kolonat in njegov razvoj. Pri omembi grofa Silveria de Baguerja pride prvič do poudarka modernizacija vinogradništva v Brdih. Grof de Baguer predstavlja za Brda prelomnico o kakovostnem pridelovanju vina. Dogodki v 20. stoletju na tleh Goriških brd zajemajo čas prve svetovne vojne, življenje ob meji, drugo svetovno vojno in čas po njej. S temi dogodki je povezano tudi vinogradništvo, zato je v nalogi opisana zgodovina vinogradništva, od prvih omemb do leta 1500, kasneje do propada Napoleona leta 1813, med prvo in drugo svetovno vojno in zadružni tip kmetovanja v Brdih v času Jugoslavije, kjer kakovost ni bila na prvem mestu. S prehodom iz zadružnega tipa pridelovanja vina v času Jugoslavije in sistema, ki ni spodbujal kakovosti in podjetništva, preidemo v osemdeseta leta, ki predstavljajo drugo prelomnico v nalogi. Sledi opis družin, ki se odločijo za kakovost in povzročijo spremembe na trgu vinarstva. V nalogi so predstavljeni začetki, problemi ob prehodu v samostojno podjetništvo, iskanju trgov, izobraževanja ter razlike prej in potem. Kot primer kakovostnega pridelovanja vina je opisana zgodovina družine Ščurek, ki zaradi kasnejših uspehov in zanimivega družinskega arhiva predstavlja prav ta prehod iz kvantitete v kvaliteto.
Keywords:vinogradništvo, Goriška brda, Dobrovo, Kolonat, Silverio de Baguer, 20. stoletje, meje, Jugoslavija, kvantiteta, Ščurek, kvaliteta.
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-4760-9d70a70f-d580-d5c9-1f66-c3efb9bf35cd New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5503739 New window
Publication date in RUNG:12.12.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Between Quantity and Quality : Development of Viticulture in Goriška Brda in 20th Century
Abstract:A better understanding of Goriška Brda viticulture’s rise requires a more general look into the history of this specific area. The paper presents the geographical and historical overview of the viticulture in Goriška Brda. The following chapters describe the leasing-system—which was called colonia—and its evolution. The modernization of viticulture is related to the name of lord Silver de Bagueri, who represents the beginning of quality wine production in Brda. The 20th century in Goriška Brda was affected by the First World War, the establishment of the new border with Italy as well as the Second World War and its aftermath. All these events had a significant impact on the evolution of viticulture. The paper presents the history of viticulture, from the earliest reference around 1500, the downfall of Napoleon in 1813, both World Wars to the more recent agricultural collectives in Yugoslavia, which did not prioritize the quality of the wine. The transition from collective farming to modern entrepreneurship leads to the second breaking point of the paper—the 1980s. We introduce the families that prioritized the quality of wine and caused a change in the field of viticulture. This paper describes viticulture and its beginnings as well as problems with the transition and search for new market; furthermore, it also presents education and some differences between the various periods of the viticulture evolution. The Ščurek family is presented as an example of a quality wine producer. Because of their subsequent success and a rich family archive, the family represents the transition from quantity to quality.
Keywords:viticulture, Goriška Brda, Dobrovo, colonia, Silverio de Baguer, 20th century, borders, Yugoslavia, quantity, Ščurek, quality
