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Title:Optimizacija procesa odstranitve igle na štancani lameli
Authors:ID Podgornik, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Vončina, Blaž (Author)
Files:.pdf Blaz_Voncina.pdf (3,02 MB)
MD5: DC615C4C8B61F83CDC4323BB71D95031
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Za izdelavo elektromotorjev so potrebna lamelirana jedra – statorski in rotorski paketi, ki so narejeni s postopkom štancanja lamel iz elektropločevine. Po štancanju sledi vstavljanje navitja elektromotorja na statorskem paketu. V zadnjem času se uvaja nova tehnologija navijanja, kjer se celotno navitje v obliki pravokotnih bakrenih palic naenkrat vstavlja v statorske utore in zaključi z upogibanjem bakrenega navitja. Med postopkom štancanja prihaja do pojava igle na reznem robu, katere velikost in oblika se tekom procesa štancanja lahko spreminjata. Pri navijanju statorja elektromotorja igla lahko poškoduje izolacijo navitja, kar privede do preboja oziroma kratkega stika in odpovedi elektromotorja. Namen diplomskega dela je bil določiti postopek, s katerim bi bilo moč odstraniti nastalo iglo na štancani lameli in postopek uvesti v redno proizvodnjo večmilijonskih serij. Diplomsko delo obravnava proces štancanja in razloge za nastanek igle, pri čemer je osredotočeno na določitev optimalnega profila vtiskovalne plošče in sile stiskanja za preoblikovanje igle na utorih statorskega paketa. Pri določitvi optimalnih pogojev je upoštevana končna kvaliteta izdelka, ki se kaže preko držalne sile sponk, geometrije statorskega paketa ter njegovih elektromagnetnih lastnosti.
Keywords:Preoblikovanje igle, šrancanje pločevine, lamelni paketi, elektromotorji, rotorski in statorski paketi
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-4825-a561c8f5-748e-bd25-25db-f9a4f8e94238 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5575419 New window
Publication date in RUNG:25.02.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Optimising the process of burr removal on stamped lamellas
Abstract:Part of components in electromotors production are laminated segments such as stator and rotor stacks. These are made with lamination stamping process from electrical steel. After stamping, stator stacks are wound with copper wire. Lately, a new winding technology has been introduced, where winding is made out of copper bars that are inserted into the stator slots all at once. Insertion is finished with bending the copper bars. During stamping process burr occurs on stamped edges. Shape and size of the burr vary through the stamping process. When stator stack is wound, burr can damage the isolation layer inserted between copper bars and stator stack, which may cause short-circuits, leading to a possible failure of the electrical motor. Goal of this work is to develop a process where burr can be removed from stamping edge and implement the process into a high-volume serial production. This work explores the stamping process and the reasons why burr occurs and is focused on determination of the optimal profile of pressing plate and pressing/ squeezing force as a mean of removing the burr on the stator slots, having in mind not to deteriorate the quality of the end product. Quality indicators of the end product are interlocking force, stator stack geometry and electromagnetic performance.
Keywords:Punching burr removal, metal stamping, laminated stacks, electro motors, rotor and stator stacks
