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Title:Informacijski sistem za funkcionalni rehabilitacijski test 10 kock
Authors:ID CIKAJLO, IMRE (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Milanovič, Jure (Author)
Files:.pdf Jure_Milanovic.pdf (2,10 MB)
MD5: B6E7C04C3B84CB5177D394A9C220894A
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:V magistrskem delu je obravnavan informacijski sistem funkcionalnega testa, ki ga uporablja URI-Soča, in je namenjen treningu bolnikov s Parkinsonovo boleznijo (sistem 10Cubes). Informacijski sistem za funkcionalni rehabilitacijski test 10 kock izboljšuje njihovo motoriko roke in s tem splošno počutje. Zastavljen je kot računalniška igra, v kateri udeleženec premika navidezne kocke in jih spravlja v zaboj. Položaj roke v prostoru, čas, ki je potreben za premik kock, število preskusov itn. zaznava infrardeča kamera, dogajanju pa sledimo na zaslonu. Vsakokratna vadba postreže z veliko množico podatkov, ki jih je potrebno dodatno obdelati v smislu, da odgovorna oseba (zdravnik) ugotovi, ali se stanje bolnika izboljšuje. Če zdravnik ali terapevt z dejanskim stanjem ni zadovoljen, ima možnost zamenjati terapevtski program. Pridobljene podatke vrednotimo po kriterijih, ki jih predpisuje rehabilitacijska stroka. V ta namen ocenjujemo oz. izračunamo npr. čas od prvega dotika kocke do konca vaje, celoten čas premikanja kock, povprečen čas premikanja kock, celoten indikator tresenja, povprečen indikator tresenja na sekundo, število poskusov, … Izvorni podatki, pridobljeni iz senzorjev, so shranjeni v ASCII obliki (datoteka s končnico *.txt), identifikacija bolnika pa je vezana na ime datoteke, ki jo ustvari sistem iz uporabniškega vmesnika. Podatkovna baza je izvedena kot centralna podatkovna baza, npr. MySQL, in jo lahko organiziramo tudi v oblaku. Izmerjene podatke obdelamo v smislu zgoraj omenjenih kriterijev rehabilitacijske stroke. Izboljšavo v parametrih zasledujemo skozi več treningov. Po desetih terapijah prikažemo izračunane parametre kot diagrame, s katerimi lahko odgovorna oseba oceni napredovanje bolnika. Za obdelavo teh podatkov se je do sedaj uporabljala licenčna programska oprema znotraj programskega okolja »Matlab«. V tej nalogi je uporabljeno odprtokodno programsko okolje PHP.
Keywords:PHP, MySQL, Parkinsonova bolezen, podatkovna baza, virtualna resničnost, rehabilitacija.
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-4965-b5027b2c-da36-eb6e-3a50-9963214a6752 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5575675 New window
Publication date in RUNG:25.02.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Information system for functional rehabilitation test 10 cubes
Abstract:The master's thesis proposes an information system that is used at URI-Soča for training patients with Parkinson's disease (10 Cubes system). The rehabilitation approach improves patients function motor skills of upper extremities and their daily life activities. The system is designed as a computer game, participants using a hand to move the cubes and put them in the treasure box, that can be seen on the screen. The position of the hand is assessed with two infrared cameras and the algorithm enable the calculation of time and space required for interaction with virtual cubes. Each training session shows large amount of data that have to be further processed so later a responsible person (physician) determines whether the patient’s condition has changed. Also, large amount of data needs to be evaluated according to the criteria prescribed by the medical professional. For this purpose it is necessary to estimate or calculate specific parameters e.g. time needed from first touching the cube to the end of the exercise, total time needed for moving the cubes, average time for moving cubes, total tremor indicator, average tremor indicator per second, number of tries,…Original data obtained from the sensors are stored in ASCII format (file with *.txt extension) and identification of the patient is linked to the file name created by the system from user interface. The database will be implemented as a central database such as MySQL and could also later be organized in the cloud. After organizing the measured data, they will be processed in terms of the above-mentioned medical profession criteria. Improvements can be seen through parameters, which will be followed through more training sessions. After ten accomplished therapies the calculated parameters are shown on diagrams and the responsible person using the information can estimate the patient's functional progress. Up to now custom-made programs within the licensed software Matlab has been used for data processing. In the master's thesis the open source PHP scripting language solution is used instead.
Keywords:PHP, MySQL, Parkinson disease, database, virtual reality, rehabilitation.
