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Authors:ID Dumančić, Tomica (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Bodiroža, Manja (Author)
Files:.pdf Manja_Bodiroza.pdf (1,44 MB)
MD5: 7DFF9CBC02DBCDE90645037C4D34D186
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Vsako podjetje ali organizacija si želi, da se njihovi zaposleni v delovnem okolju počutijo sproščeno, razumljivo in spoštujoče, saj s takim vzdušjem v največji meri pripomorejo k boljšemu delovanju samega podjetja oziroma organizacije. Zaradi dobrega počutja v delovnem okolju, zaposleni začnejo ustvarjati pozitivne informacije o organizaciji, sodelavcih, vodstvu in tako pripomorejo k prepoznavnejši podobi samega podjetja. V diplomskem delu je torej podrobno opisan sam pojem »organizacijska klima« in predstavljen skozi natančnejše definiranje vseh dimenzij, ki se uporablja pri raziskovanju »vzdušja« v podjetju. Z anonimnim anketnim vprašalnikom je opravljena raziskava klime v podjetju VRC, s katero se je prepoznalo dejavnike, ki negativno vplivajo na organizacijsko klimo in zadovoljstvo zaposlenih. Na podlagi končnih rezultatov predlagamo izboljšave slabo ocenjenih dimenzij, ki bodo kasneje podjetju pomagale do izboljšanja organizacijske klime.
Keywords:Organizacijska klima, dimenzije organizacijske klime, podjetje, organizacija, vzdušje.
Place of publishing:Vipava
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-5026-2de2b134-c298-1974-6744-6e90aae8f46c New window
COBISS.SI-ID:21452291 New window
Publication date in RUNG:03.07.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The organization climate in the selected company
Abstract:Every company or organization wishes for its employees to be felt relaxed, understandable and respectful in their working environment. This is the first and the most important step for better working of every organization. Because of better feeling in the working environment, employees start working on positive informations about organization, coworkers, leaders and help with better recognition of the company itself. In that degree work, it is particularly written about the concept »the organization climate« and introduced through the specific definition of all the dimensions, which are used for exploring atmosphere in the company. With anonymous opinion poll, the investigation of the climate in the company VRC is done. Based od the results, it showed some negative influence of the climate and satisfaction of the employees. On that base, we suggest improvements in badly worked dimensions, which will help the company to improve the organizational climate.
Keywords:Organization climate, dimensions of organization climate, company, organization, atmosphere.
