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Authors:ID Papler, Drago (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Hvala, Vojko (Author)
Files:.pdf Vojko_Hvala.pdf (2,37 MB)
MD5: 0DF2EF71646F1D2E917ECADD35A5F02E
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Ker so se v zadnjih letih investicije v sončne elektrarne skorajda ustavile, nas je zanimalo, ali se investicija v fotovoltaiko v sedanjih razmerah, kot jo nekateri promovirajo in objubljajo, dejansko izide in ali bo kot taka v prihodnosti lahko nadomestila izpad proizvodnje električne energije pri opuščanju fosilnih goriv za zniževanje emisij s toplogrednimi plini. Glavni namen magistskega dela je bil ugotoviti, ali je naložba v fotovoltaiko v trenutnih razmerah smiselna in ekonomsko upravičena s ciljem poiskati najbolj optimalen model financiranja. Metoda dela zajema analizo praktičnega primera naložbe podjetja v fotovoltaični projekt z medsebojno primerjavo drugih modelov in načinov financiranja na osnovi izračunanih ekonomskih kazalnikov. Model izračunov je mogoče uporabiti za presojanje upravičljivosti tudi za druge solarne projekte, ki se nameravajo graditi v prihodnje. Iz ekonomske primerjave modelov financiranja smo ugotovili, da je najprimernješi model ekonomsko upravičljiv le ob upoštevanju določenih meril. Ekonomska upravičljivost investicije omogoča večjo vlogo fotovoltaike v scenariju dolgoročne politike uvajanja obnovljive in čiste energije za cilj zmanjševanja emisij s toplogrednimi plini.
Keywords:model financiranja, fotovoltaika, sončna elektrarna, naložba v fotovoltaiko
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-5265-7c7e633d-fec4-bfaa-039c-ce512b1a624a New window
COBISS.SI-ID:23002883 New window
Publication date in RUNG:20.07.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Economic comparison of financing models for a company‵s investment in photovoltaics
Abstract:Since investments in solar power plants have almost stopped in recent years, we were interested in whether the investment in photovoltaics in the current situation, as some people are promoting and promising, actually results and whether, as such, in the future, it will be able to compensate for the loss of electricity production from the abandonment of fossil fuels to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The main purpose of the master's thesis was to determine whether investing in photovoltaics in the current situation is reasonable and economically justified to find the most optimal financing model. The method of work involves the analysis of a practical example of company investment in a photovoltaic project, with a comparison of other models and methods of financing based on calculated economic indicators. The calculation model can also be used to asses the viability of other solar projects that are planned to be built in the future. From the economic comparison of financing models, we have found that the most appropriate model is economically viable only by considering certain criteria. The economic viability of the investment enables a greater role of photovoltaics in the scenario of a long-term policy of introducing renewable and clean energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Keywords:Financing model, photovoltaics, Solar power plant, investment in photovoltaics
