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Title:Svetovanje podjetja L. M. d.o.o. na področju digitalnih premoženj
Authors:ID Gojković, Boris (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Lemut, Etien (Author)
Files:.pdf Etien_Lemut.pdf (1,90 MB)
MD5: C2F36A34A0A505DF8B4097BD9F49CA87
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Področje digitalnih premoženj je sorazmerno novo in premalo poznano v našem prostoru. Problem je v tem, da ljudje ne razumejo kriptovalut v celoti in jih ne dojemajo dovolj resno ter mislijo da gre za magični internetni denar brez večjega pomena, ki služi zgolj za špekulativne namene. Zato so kakovostne svetovalne storitve, ki bodo strankam dobro predstavile kriptovalute, lahko izvrstna poslovna priložnost. Namen diplomskega dela je raziskati možnosti za izvedbo poslovne ideje ponudbe svetovanja na slovenskem trgu v okviru podjetja L.M.. V diplomskem delu so najprej predstavljene lastnosti kriptovalut in tehnologije, ki jih poganja ter prikaz kriptovalut za varne alternativne naložbe. Glavni rezultat so izračunani ekonomski kazalci, ki kažejo na perspektivo svetovalnih storitev. Na podlagi pričujočega dela se avtor namerava usmeriti v tržne dejavnosti na področju posredovanja informacij o kriptovalutah in njeni tehnologiji ter svetovanju strankam.
Keywords:Bitcoin, denar, digitalna premoženja, kriptovalute, naložbe, storitev, tehnologija veriženja blokov, valuta
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-5354-6bf23b47-52bb-d92d-f909-692d3d1f11f8 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:22983171 New window
Publication date in RUNG:20.07.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Consulting service of the L. M. d.o.o. company in the field of digital assets
Abstract:The field of digital assets is relatively new and little known in Slovenia. The problem lies in the fact that people do not fully understand cryptocurrencies and do not take them seriously enough. Moreover, they percept them just as magical internet money without any major significance and serve purely for speculative purposes. Therefore, high-quality consulting services capable to properly disseminate cryptocurrencies to the clients can be a great business opportunity. The purpose of the thesis is to explore the possibilities for the implementation of the business idea as part of the activities within the L.M. company to offer consulting on the slovenian market. The thesis first presents the characteristics of cryptocurrencies and the supportive technology. Then, the cryptocurrencies as secure alternative investments are presented. The main result of the thesis are calculated economic indicators that show the perspective of consulting services. Based on the existent thesis, the author intends to focus on marketing activities in the field of providing information about cryptocurrencies and their technology and client advising.
Keywords:Bitcoin, money, digital assets, cryptocurrencies, investments, service, blockchain, currency
